Relax Your Body to Lose Weight
Losing weight can be a challenging endeavor. If you're struggling with your fitness goals, it's important to remember that even relaxation could impact your weight loss goals.
Trying to lose weight is a challenge, but it doesn't have to be nearly as difficult as some people make it out to be. We do a lot of strenuous work just to burn all those calories down, but what if the secret to losing weight is actually through relaxation? You heard that right! In today’s article, we will talk about the effects of stress on weight and ways to relax.
Effects of Stress on Weight
Stress is one of the first things that affect your weight-loss success. When you're stressed, you may find yourself feeling hungry even if you just ate a big meal. If this happens, it's possible that your body is trying to store fat in case it needs to protect itself from future starvation. This can lead to fat retention, especially around the midsection, and cause people with stress to eat more unhealthy foods like sweets, chips, or fries since those foods are easy on the stomach and won't fill them up as much as healthier alternatives like fruits and vegetables would.
When we're stressed, our bodies produce more cortisol. Cortisol is known as the stress hormone because it's produced in response to stress and makes us feel like we need more food.
The link between stress and weight gain is well documented in some research literature. Elevated cortisol levels have been found in people who are overweight or obese compared to those who are leaner, according to one study published by the American Psychological Association (APA). Another study showed that participants with higher blood pressure had higher levels of cortisol than those with lower blood pressure when they were exposed to stressful situations such as public speaking or completing math tests. Another study showed that people who experienced high psychological distress over time gained more weight than those without such distress; both groups were given the same diet but only one group experienced increased levels of stress as measured by their self-reported depression/anxiety symptoms (per this APA citation).
The levels of stress can make you feel hungry, even though you may not be. It's a strange phenomenon called "stress-induced hunger." This process sends signals to your brain and increases your appetite and ruins your current diet and weight loss plans.
If you aren't eating enough protein when you're stressed out, this will only make this process worse. When our muscles begin breaking down as they do during exercise or physical exertion, they become sore as well as weaker without proper nutrition. So if we don't eat enough protein, then we won't have strong muscles anymore—and that means less burning of calories!
If you want to achieve your fitness goals, the best thing to do is to develop better habits and relax whenever possible. Here are a few ways you can relax while working on your goal of losing weight:
Find time for your hobby.
What you do to relax is up to you. Some people like to read, while others prefer a game of chess or cards. Whatever your hobby may be, it should be something that you enjoy and that gives you a sense of reward when you do it.
It's important to find time for hobbies because they are good for your mental health as well as your physical health. If you can find time for hobbies, then you will have less stress in your life which will help with losing weight.
Hobbies are also very important in keeping your mind active and sharp, so if possible try to find ways to incorporate them into your daily routine so that they become part of your life.
Schedule fitness/gym breaks
If you spend a lot of time at the gym or you're a fitness fanatic, it's important to take breaks from exercise. If you don't give yourself a break from your usual routine, you could burn out and lose motivation. Take time off from exercise in order to heal injuries and recover from overtraining, advises the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). You can also take days off to rest and recuperate during periods of intense training or competition.
Spend more time doing activities that aren't exercise related. The ACSM recommends that people who exercise regularly should also engage in other physical activities that may not contribute as heavily toward fitness goals. These include walking, hiking or cycling for pleasure or to get places rather than driving; taking up salsa; zumba dancing; participating in sports that don't require a lot of practice or skill; playing on playgrounds with children; swimming laps; and gardening or woodworking at home.
Get eight hours of sleep a night.
Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things you can do to lose weight. When you sleep, your body secretes hormones that increase your metabolism and help you burn more calories throughout the day. It helps you metabolize fat, and it keeps your hormones in check so that you don't experience cravings for sugar or carbohydrates.
According to a study published in the journal Sleep, people who slept for less than five hours per night were more likely to gain weight over a 10-year period than those who slept seven hours or more.
To hit the eight-hour mark, go to bed by 10 p.m. and set an alarm for when it's time to get up. If you still have trouble falling asleep, try listening to a guided meditation on YouTube before bed; the videos have helped many people fall asleep faster and sleep better throughout the night.
Yoga sessions
Yoga is a great way to relax and lose weight. Yoga helps you get in shape, relieve stress, and gain energy. Yoga also helps you stay healthy by improving your posture, breathing, and digestion. Yoga is one of the most popular forms of exercise today because it's so relaxing and energizing at the same time.
Yoga is also good for your body because it helps you lose weight by increasing muscle tone and helping you breathe better. It also improves your circulation, which causes more efficient use of oxygen by the heart and muscles.
Take a walk
Getting outside and taking a walk in nature is one of the best ways to relax. The fresh air will help you breathe deeply, which can help your body release stress hormones that are linked to weight gain.
Connecting with the world around you again is important when it comes to reconnecting with yourself, so going on an outdoor adventure is a great way of doing this. You may be surprised at how much time you spend in front of screens these days—and even if not all screens are bad for our health, they do affect us physically and mentally! If we spend too much time looking at them (or watching them), then we start losing touch with who we really are as human beings.
When we're surrounded by nature, we forget about our problems and focus on what's important at that moment. This has many benefits for our psychological health, as it allows us to let go of pent-up feelings and live in the present. It also allows us to connect with our true selves, as well as get some much-needed fresh air. Try it out next time you need a break!
The best thing you can do to lose weight and stay healthy is to relax. This means turning away from stress and negative feelings, as well as finding time in your day for a yoga class or walk outdoors. The more relaxed you are, the better it will be for your body and mind; so give these tips a try today. If you’re struggling to lose weight despite trying out all these tips, you probably need help. Hop on a call with me and let’s talk about your health and fitness goals.
Giving is Living
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to live happier, more fulfilled lives? The answer might surprise you.
Giving is the secret to living. It's not just a nice thing to do, it's the way we were meant to live our lives. When you give to others in a genuine way, you are learning something about yourself. You are discovering that it is in giving that we truly receive. Maybe it is not what we give or how much we receive but how much we have learned as a result of giving that matters most after all.
The common thread of all these sources is simply this: from a soulful perspective, you can release your worries and bask in the simple pleasures of putting others first. In this article, let's dive down deep into the wonderful effects giving does to your life.
Boosts Happiness and Health
Giving makes you feel good about yourself. The research shows that giving makes you feel good about yourself and others; it boosts your confidence and self-esteem, improves your relationships with others, and helps you lead a healthier life overall.
The simple act of giving something away can make you feel good, even if the gift you're giving isn't the most expensive or valuable thing in the world.
Giving makes people happier than receiving in almost every circumstance — from a small gift to a large one — according to research by psychologist Martin Seligman at the University of Pennsylvania.
His studies show that people who receive gifts grow happier, more satisfied with their lives and more likely to make charitable donations than those who don't receive gifts at all. Giving can be as simple as buying someone your favourite coffee in the morning, or it can be as big as giving up your time to help a friend in need.
Giving also helps people sleep better at night. People who give away money report less stress than those who hold onto it, according to a study published in Psychological Science by Dan Ariely, professor at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business.
Builds Strong Relationships
When you give a gift, it's not just about you — it's about connecting with someone else and making their day better. It's about showing that you care about them and their happiness. Giving a gift helps build stronger relationships with the people who receive it because they know how much you appreciate what they've done for you.
Remember that the best relationships are the ones that give. When you give, you are showing your love and care for someone else without expecting any return. You are trying to show that you want them to succeed in life as well. It builds a sense of trust because it shows that you trust the other person enough to share something with them that may be personal or private.
Can Strengthen Communities
Giving is powerful. You can make a difference by giving what you have. When you give to the vulnerable, you are giving a gift that goes far beyond the monetary value itself. You can help the community in several ways:
- Supporting your local community centre or school.
- Providing funds for an organization that is doing good work in your area.
- Helping people who need assistance, like those who need help feeding their families or those who have lost their jobs and can no longer afford to pay rent or utilities.
- Helping people who are living on the streets, at risk of being victimized or abused by others.
- Donating blood means saving a life of someone who direly needs it.
Imagine the effect of giving to the community. Little actions could ripple a positive change in society. Through giving, you change lives, and better the community in which you benefit as well. Don't be afraid to get involved in your local community. Make a difference by giving and helping them build their reputation or expand their services to meet the needs of their community members.
You are Learning Something About Yourself.
What do you think? Is it possible that we are learning more about ourselves by giving than by receiving? We may not be aware of this when we begin our giving, but if we continue to give, then there will come a day when we realize that without the act of giving, there would not have been a chance for us to learn so much about ourselves.
You are learning what so many others have learned, and you are discovering that it is in giving that we truly receive. Maybe it is not for what we give or for how much we receive, but for how much we have learned as a result. We are learning to be content in life, and just have empathy for people who need our help.
You are learning to trust your heart and let go of your fears. You are learning to listen to the voice within that has a million reasons why you can’t do it right now, but none of those reasons matters because YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT!
It's not yet too late to start giving. It's never too late to change your life. You can make a difference in someone else's life. You can give someone a hug, just by being there for them, saying hello and listening with an open heart. You can help someone by paying it forward, or by sending a kind note.
It doesn't matter if you're young or old, rich or poor, famous or anonymous. You can do something for others that will make a difference in their lives. You don't have to be perfect, but you must start somewhere. And if you keep at it every day for just one week, you will soon see results!
Giving is the secret to living. It’s that simple. You might not know it yet, but as you grow into your own life, you will learn that giving is what we all should be doing. Giving with love and compassion is the way to live a happy, fulfilled life. And having a happy and fulfilled life, means a healthier mind, soul, and spirit—all equals longevity.
How to Avoid the New Year’s Resolution Trap
The New Year's Resolution Trap is real, and it gets us all every single year. A new year means a new start, another chance to set goals and aims for the year ahead. We’ll promise to be better, more diligent, and more focused.
Let me guess. You probably said, “this year is going to be different” before, didn’t you? It turned out that New Year’s is just another day, and you forgot about your resolutions almost right away. This year won't be any different! Sound familiar?
It's the feeling that you should wait for January 1st to make a positive change in your life—because if not then, then when? In reality, though, there's no reason to wait until January 1st (or any other date) to start working towards the goals that matter most to you. So let’s get started with how to avoid falling into this trap!
Don't wait until January 1st.
One of the biggest pitfalls of New Year's Resolutions is waiting until January 1st to start a new habit. If you're like me, you'll wait until the last minute and then try to cram all of your goals into those few days. This causes stress and disappointment because it can be hard to meet all of your resolutions at once, especially if they require a change in more than one area (like eating healthier and exercising).
Instead, try starting your resolutions as soon as possible—even if it's before December 31st! The sooner you start, the sooner you'll see results. And don't forget: The longer you wait to start something new after making a resolution, the harder it will be for you when that time comes!
Write it down.
To avoid the New Year’s Resolution Trap, you must write down your goals. This can be a simple list of bullet points or a more formal outline.
- Write down your goal: “Finish the novel by December 31st”
- Write down your reasons for wanting to achieve it: “My career depends on it. If my first book doesn’t sell well, I won’t be able to continue publishing novels or make money from writing at all. I also want to prove myself as an author and show that I can meet deadlines and create high-quality work. If this goal isn't reached by the end of 2019, there will be no way for me to achieve these other goals!”
- Write down the steps you will take in order to reach this goal: "1) Get new story ideas; 2) Research genre conventions; 3) Decide which characters are needed for each story arc (and create them); 4) Start drafting novel chapters 1-5; 5) Read overdrafts one through five until they're ready."
Break down your goals into small achievable steps.
Breaking down your goals into small, achievable steps is a great way to stay focused and motivated. A goal can feel overwhelming and intimidating if it's too big and complex. When you break down a goal into smaller parts, it feels more manageable, which will motivate you to keep going. F
or example, if your goal is to lose weight, instead of saying you’re going to lose 20 pounds by January 2nd, break it down into smaller chunks. For example, instead of saying “I will lose 20 pounds by January 2nd” try saying “I will lose 1 pound per week for 4 weeks starting today”.
Breaking down your goals into small achievable steps it will make them much more manageable and less overwhelming! This also gives you an opportunity to celebrate each milestone along the way!
Find a way to track your progress.
Once you’ve set your goals and taken a few days to develop a plan of action, it’s time to get down to business. And one of the best ways to stay on track is by tracking your progress. This can be as simple as writing down what you did each day in a journal or spreadsheet, or it could mean using an app like Lift (the Weight Watchers app) or Fitbit that tracks how many steps you take each day. Either way, having some sort of record will help keep you accountable for what you achieve—and prevent New Year’s Resolution failure from happening again next year!
If tracking in your head sounds good enough for now…you may want to reconsider that approach at some point down the road. It really does work better if there are actual numbers attached to those mental tallies than just “I ran two miles today."
Stop focusing on the outcome and put the emphasis on process and learning.
Focus on the process, not the outcome. When you make resolutions and set goals, the emphasis is often on the end result and what you have to do to achieve it. But that can lead to a tendency to focus too much on short-term results and neglect the journey in between. Instead of judging your success or failure by whether or not you achieve your desired outcome, try focusing more on what you learn along the way.
This is especially important when it comes to failure—but don't worry! Failure can be an opportunity for growth instead of something that holds us back from making progress. If we learn from our mistakes, they become part of our story—and if we view them as something negative rather than positive, we're missing out on an opportunity for personal growth and improvement!
When you're feeling unmotivated, remember why this goal is important to you. Take five minutes to write down your reasons and pull them out when you need them. If a friend or family member asks about your goals, don't be shy about sharing your list with them! The more people who are aware of what you're trying to accomplish, the more likely it is that someone will remind you if they see a slip-up in your behaviour.
Hire a Health and Fitness Coach
New Year’s resolutions are a time-honoured tradition – and one that we all fall for every year. But it’s also true that most of us don’t succeed at achieving our goals. According to Statistic Brain, only 8% of people successfully achieve their goals. The rest give up within the first six months.
This year, don’t fall into the trap of setting unrealistic resolutions that you can’t keep. If you're serious about getting healthy, hiring a coach can help you stay on track. A good coach will set goals with you and help you develop a plan to achieve them. Contact Rita today to start your new year journey.
We hope that these tips will help you to avoid the New Year’s Resolution trap. Remember, your goals are not set in stone and can always be adjusted as you learn more about yourself and your life. The important thing is that you don’t lose sight of what's important to you—even if there are times when it feels like everything has fallen apart.
You don't need the extra pressure that comes from waiting for the new year to begin a positive new change in your life. You can start right now, today!
Being a parent is hard work! It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed and exhausted. It’s also normal for parents to have trouble finding time for themselves. This can lead to resentment and other feelings that aren’t good for the whole family unit. So, how do you balance parenting with enjoying life as a parent? In this article, we'll go over some tips and tricks on how you can find time for yourself while still connecting with your family—without kicking them out!
Family time is important!
Family time is important! I know it sounds cliché, but there’s a reason why parents say it so often. It’s because they want to remind themselves of the importance of spending quality time together with their kids—and believing that it’s worth doing. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed by your parenting responsibilities, it may be hard for you to see how spending time together will help things improve. But trust me: it does!
Organize a family activity
When you're dealing with a lot of kids, it can be hard to find time for yourself and your partner. That's why it's important to schedule some "me time." A family activity is a great way to do this.
- Go hiking
- Ride bikes
- Swim at the local pool or lake
- Go see an exhibit at a museum or art gallery (and maybe get ice cream afterwards!)
You could also take your kids somewhere new that they've never been before: A concert hall, festival or zoo are all good options.
Go for a road trip.
You can enjoy a road trip if you plan it right. Make sure to get a map, plan the route and make sure to pack snacks and water for everyone. Also, make sure that you have charged your phone so that you can use GPS as well as play music on Spotify or whatever other music service you prefer. The last thing you want is for the kids to be bored because they ran out of things to do while they’re driving!
If there are any scenic views along the way, take some time out of driving to look at them in person rather than on Google Maps or your phone screen—it will make it seem more special. You might even stop at a small park or historical site if there happens to be one nearby (and if it's safe enough).
Have some fun in the sun!
- Get out of the house:
A few days ago a friend told me that she and her husband were having trouble enjoying each other because they never had time to go anywhere together. Too much time with the kids, too much to do around the house, etc., etc. So I suggested that next time they wanted to get away from it all, they should just get on their bikes and ride off into the sunset—even if it was just for an hour or two. And it worked! They're now planning weekend trips with their bikes as a family bonding activity (which is awesome).
- Take a walk:
It doesn't have to be an epic hike in Yosemite; just going for a walk around your neighbourhood can be refreshing after spending so much time indoors with little ones who are prone to make messes everywhere they go (and everywhere you look!). Even if you don't have access to open green space nearby—or even if your neighbourhood isn't particularly pedestrian-friendly—you can still take advantage of this simple pleasure by walking through a shopping mall or local park on Saturday mornings when no one else is around (and getting some fresh air right before lunchtime).
Have a strict sleep routine
This can be a tough one, especially if you're at the mercy of your child's sleep schedule. But that's no reason to give up on having a strict sleep routine. It will help everyone get more rest and create more structure—both things kids need as much as adults do.
You don't have to follow paediatrician Dr Harvey Karp's strict two-hour-a-night window for newborns (more on this later), but setting some rules about bedtimes and naps is still important for establishing healthy habits in your child's life. For example: Do they need a morning nap? If so, when should it end? What time are they allowed to stay up past dark? These established guidelines will make both you and your kid feel more secure—and we all know how important that feeling of security is during adolescence!
The key here is consistency; if you tell your daughter she can't watch television after 7 PM one night and then let her watch TV another night at 8 PM because "you just felt like doing something different", then she'll never know what the rules are supposed to be! Basically, it boils down to making sure everything stays within those parameters we talked about earlier: regularity, routine--whatever works best for everyone involved (and doesn't drive anyone crazy).
It’s important to find ways to relax as a parent.
As a parent, you are bound to experience the high stress of juggling multiple responsibilities and keeping the household running smoothly. It is important to find ways to relax as a parent so that you can continue taking care of your family without burning out.
Here are some examples of ways in which parents can relax:
- Find a hobby or activity that you enjoy doing for yourself. This could include anything from reading books to listening to music or playing video games!
- Take time for yourself when needed – even if it’s only 10 minutes here and there throughout the day, it will make all the difference!
- Get enough sleep each night so that you have energy throughout the day (for both work and parenting duties). Try setting an alarm if necessary!
If you need it, get support.
If you need it, get support. If your family or friends are not supportive and understanding, find someone who is. There are many support groups for parents in different settings, as well as therapists who specialize in helping parents with their parenting issues.
If you feel like kicking the kids out of the house, don't hesitate to seek help from a therapist or counsellor—it could save your relationship with your kids down the road!
As a parent, you need to find ways to relax. That’s why we created this list of ideas for family activities, road trips and getting some sleep. We hope that it helps you have a better time with your kids! Need support for parenting? Let’s have a chat!
You've heard about the benefits of living an active life but do you really know how to do it? Whether you're sitting at home doing the ice cream cone crawl or getting out for a run, maintaining an active lifestyle can seem like a big commitment. But with some planning and consistency, it's a lot easier than you might think.
If you're looking to maintain an active lifestyle, here are some tips:
1. Stick to a routine.
When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, there's no one-size-fits-all solution. But following a routine can help you stay on track and motivated.
A routine is important for two main reasons. First, it allows us to organise our time and make sure that we are spending our time in the most productive way possible. Second, it can help us to develop some habits that we can rely on and stick to.
When we have a routine, it becomes easier to stick to the goals that we have set for ourselves. This is because we know what to expect, and we have a plan for how to achieve our goals. If we don’t have a routine, it can be difficult to know what to do next. We may feel like we are spinning our wheels and not making any progress. This can be frustrating and lead to feeling discouraged.
I've found that sticking to a routine is the key to staying motivated and on track. When I know what my schedule looks like, it's easier for me to stay focused and avoid temptation.
I usually exercise first thing in the morning and again at night. I also make sure to take regular breaks and rest during the day. This helps me stay motivated and avoid feeling overwhelmed.
Sticking to a routine can be tough, but it's worth it when you see the progress you make. If you find that you're struggling to stick to your routine, don't be discouraged. There are many different ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle and find what works best for you. Just keep trying and you'll be on your way to a healthier you in no time.
2. Find a sport you enjoy.
Not all activities need to be athletic in order to be productive and fun. Find something you can get into that will challenge you and give you a sense of accomplishment.
Do you have a sport you enjoy? Maybe you’re a great hockey player or a talented runner. Whatever your sport of choice, there are many reasons to enjoy it. Physical activity can be a great way to get your heart rate up, release endorphins, and build muscle. It can also be a fun way to socialize with friends or a way to challenge yourself.
While there are plenty of sports out there to enjoy, make sure to find the one that’s right for you. If you’re new to a sport, be sure to watch some instructional videos online, or find a coach who can teach you the basics. And if you’re already an experienced athlete, don’t forget to share your favourite sport with your friends!
3. Make healthy eating a priority.
Eating healthy foods is not only good for your body, but it can also help you maintain your energy levels throughout the day and help you stay healthy overall.
When you eat healthy foods, your body gets the nutrients it needs to function properly. This can help you stay alert and focused throughout the day, which is important when you have a busy schedule.
When you make healthy eating a priority, you can ensure that you are getting the proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins that your body needs to stay healthy. There are many different types of healthy foods out there, so it is important to find something that you enjoy and that will fit into your lifestyle.
Some of the best healthy foods to eat include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources. When you make these foods a part of your diet, you will be able to feel happier and more energetic.
4. Take breaks.
If you find yourself getting tired or overwhelmed, take a break. Maybe take a walk around the block, or take a nap. Giving your body and mind a break will help you stay refreshed and energized for the next round of activity.
It’s no secret that taking regular breaks is important for both your physical and mental health. While it might seem like a waste of time to take a break when you’re busy, taking a break can actually help you to work smarter and not harder.
Here are four ways taking a break can help you:
- It relieves stress.
When you’re stressed, it’s hard to focus and think clearly. Taking a break can help you to relax and clear your head, which will allow you to be more productive when you return to work.
- It improves your mood.
When you take a break, you’re more likely to feel elated and happy. Taking time for yourself every once in a while can help to boost your mood and improve your overall outlook on life.
- It helps you to concentrate.
When you’re working on a task that’s difficult or requires a lot of concentration, taking a break can help you to refocus and stay on task.
- It reduces your vulnerability to burnout.
If you’re constantly working long hours without any breaks, you’re more likely to experience burnout. Taking regular breaks can help to prevent this from happening and allow you to stay productive over a longer period of time.
Sticking to a routine can be a helpful way to stay on track and maintain a healthy lifestyle. A routine helps us to organise our time and make sure that we are spending our time in the most productive way possible. Additionally, it can help us to develop some habits that we can rely on and stick to. If we don't have a routine, it can be difficult to know what to do next. However, sticking to a routine can be a helpful way to stay motivated and on track.
If you're like most people, you enjoy a drink or two from time to time. But have you ever wondered if you're drinking too much? In this blog post, we'll explore the topic of drinking and how you can get control of your booze.
Too much alcohol can have serious health consequences, including liver cirrhosis, pancreatitis, and even death. While occasional drinking is not harmful, drinking to excess can have serious consequences for your health.
Here are just a few of the health risks associated with drinking too much alcohol:
- Liver cirrhosis: When the liver can no longer process alcohol properly, it can lead to liver cirrhosis. This is a serious condition that can cause extreme fatigue, jaundice, and even death.
- Pancreatitis: Drinking too much alcohol can also lead to pancreatitis, a condition that causes inflammation and damage to the pancreas. This can lead to diabetes, pancreatic cancer, and other serious health problems.
- Stroke and Heart Disease: Heavy drinking can also lead to problems like heart disease and stroke. Alcohol consumption can increase your risk of heart disease and stroke by raising your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
- Mental Health Problems: Alcohol consumption can have a number of negative consequences on mental health, including depression and anxiety. In fact, alcohol consumption has been shown to be a major contributor to both mental health problems and alcohol-related deaths. Alcohol abuse can also lead to problems with memory, coordination, and judgement. Increasing your chances of getting dementia in the long run.
How much booze is safe to drink?
There are a lot of myths surrounding alcohol and how much is safe to drink. The truth is that it is safe to drink in moderation, but there is a limit.
The amount of alcohol that is safe for your health depends on a lot of factors, including your age, weight, and health condition. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) has a good overview of how much alcohol is safe for different groups.
The general rule of thumb is that women should not drink more than two drinks per day, and men should not drink more than three. However, there are a lot of exceptions to this. If you are over the age of 21 and you are healthy, you can drink up to four drinks per day. If you have a health condition, like liver disease, you should avoid drinking at all.
The best way to figure out how much alcohol is safe for you is to talk to your doctor or health and fitness coach. He or she can help you figure out your own limits and make sure you are drinking in a safe and healthy way.
How to get control of your alcohol consumption
- Set realistic goals.
Don't aim to drink less alcohol or to never drink again. Instead, set reasonable goals, like drinking less on weekends or not getting drunk at parties. If you have a chronic alcohol addiction, make sure to consult your doctor or therapist to help you set up realistic goals that do not do harm to your body in terms of withdrawal. If you want to drink less, you need to have a plan for doing so. Set a schedule for drinking and stick to it. If you don't have a plan, you're likely to drink regardless of how much you drink.
- Drink in moderation.
If you want to drink less, drink in moderation. Drinking in moderation means drinking no more than one or two drinks per day. If you drink more than this, you're more likely to become intoxicated and engage in alcohol-related problems. You may also opt to drink only during occasions, as much as you can. Avoid drinking liquors with high alcohol content.
- Drink responsibly.
Don't drink and drive, drink while pregnant or drink before driving. Alcohol can impair your ability to drive, and drinking while pregnant can lead to birth defects. Even if you're not a driver, alcohol can still affect your ability to safely operate machinery or operate a vehicle.
- Don't drink to escape your problems.
When you're struggling with a problem, alcohol can feel like the perfect solution. It makes you feel numb and allows you to escape from your troubles. But in the long run, drinking alcohol won't solve your problems. In fact, it'll only make them worse.
Drinking alcohol to escape your problems won't solve anything. If you want to drink less, try to face your problems head-on. Talk to your friends, family or therapist about how to deal with them.
If you're concerned about your drinking habits and want to get control of your booze, there are a few things you can do. First, talk to your doctor about your drinking habits and see if there are any safe limits you can adhere to. Second, make a plan for when and how you're going to drink and stick to it. And finally, be mindful of how much alcohol you're consuming and stay within safe limits. If you follow these tips, you can minimize the health risks associated with drinking too much.
Are you sick of going to the gym only to find that the equipment is always occupied? Are you looking for an affordable way to get a gym at home without having to sacrifice quality or convenience? If so, you’ve come to the right place! In this guide, we will teach you everything you need to know in order to build your very own budget home gym.
Building a budget home gym is not as hard as you may think. In fact, with a little bit of planning and preparation, you can build a sturdy and affordable home gym that will allow you to stay fit and healthy.
Here are the five essential steps you need to take to build a budget home gym:
1. Determine your budget.
The first step is to determine your budget. This is important because it will help you figure out how much money you can allocate to your home gym. You may be able to build your home gym for less than £1,000, or you may need to spend a bit more. It all depends on your specific needs and preferences.
Building a home gym can be a great investment for your overall health and fitness. Not only will it help you to stay fit, but it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. However, it can be expensive to purchase and set up all the necessary equipment. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to save money on your home gym.
First, you should consider what you need and want in a home gym. Do you just want to work out on your own, or do you want to be able to work with a trainer? You may also want to consider what type of equipment is available. Are you interested in cardiovascular equipment, weight machines, or a variety of free weights? If you have children, you may want to invest in a home gym that is kid-friendly.
2. Choose the right equipment.
Once you know what you need, you can start to look for deals on equipment. You can often find good deals on home gyms on online auction websites or by searching for used or refurbished gyms. You may also be able to find promotional offers or discounts from your gym’s sponsor.
If you're on a tighter budget, buy used equipment. This option is especially good if you're not sure which pieces of equipment are right for you. If you're not ready to invest in all of the equipment yourself, consider renting it instead. This way, you can try out different pieces of equipment and see what works best for you.
Another way to save money on your home gym is to make your own equipment. This is possible with a few simple tools and a bit of creativity. You can build your own weight machines, for example, or create your own cardiovascular workout using resistance bands and a pulley system.
Keep in mind that you don’t need the latest and greatest home gym equipment to get fit. A basic set of weight machines, a treadmill, and a bench will get you started. And, if you’re looking to upgrade your home gym in the future, don’t be afraid to invest in quality pieces of equipment that will help you reach your fitness goals.
3. Build the gym.
The final step is to build the gym. This means assembling the equipment and installing it in the desired location. There are a variety of ways to do this, so choose what works best for you. You can either hire a contractor to do the job for you, or you can try to do it yourself and with the support of your family. Either way, make sure you are prepared for the job and have all the necessary tools and supplies.
Building a home gym can be a great investment for your overall health and fitness. Not only will it help you to stay fit, but it can also be a fun and rewarding experience. However, it can be expensive to purchase and set up all the necessary equipment. Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to save money on your home gym.
If you're up for a bit of DIY work, you can build your own home gym. This option is perfect if you have a lot of DIY experience and want to build a set-up that's exactly tailored to your needs. And whatever your budget, there's a quality home gym option out there for you. Just be sure to take your needs and preferences into account when deciding how much to spend.
Loneliness is a feeling we all experience at some point in our lives. Whether it's due to a major life event or simply the result of an introverted personality, loneliness can be tough to deal with.
In the contemporary times however, loneliness is a problem that has only gotten worse in recent years. With more and more of our interactions happening online or through technology, we are losing the ability to connect with others on a human level. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can have a negative impact on our mental and physical health. But there are things you can do to ease the loneliness and make the most of your alone time.
Signs of loneliness:
It's not always easy to tell if you're feeling lonely. Sometimes, the signs can be subtle. Other times, they can be more obvious.
Here are some signs that you may be experiencing loneliness:
- You're spending more time by yourself than usual.
If you're normally a social butterfly but you've suddenly found yourself spending more time alone, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely. Maybe you're not getting invited to as many events or your friends have started to distance themselves from you. Whatever the reason, if you're spending more time alone than you're used to, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely.
- You're feeling more irritable than usual.
If you're feeling more irritable or easily annoyed, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely. When we're feeling lonely, we can often take our frustration out on those around us. If you find yourself snapping at your friends or loved ones more often than usual, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely and need some more social interaction.
- You're not enjoying your hobbies as much as you used to.
If you're not enjoying your hobbies or activities as much as you used to, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely. When we're feeling lonely, we can often lose interest in the things we once enjoyed. If you find yourself not wanting to do the things you normally enjoy, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely and could benefit from some more social interaction.
- You're feeling more tired than usual.
If you're feeling more tired than usual, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely. When we're lonely, we can often feel exhausted. This is because we're not getting the social interaction and support that we need. If you find yourself feeling more tired than usual, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely and could benefit from some more social interaction.
- You're having difficulty concentrating.
If you're having difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely. When we're feeling lonely, our minds can often wander. This is because we're not getting the stimulation we need from social interaction. If you find yourself having difficulty concentrating, it could be a sign that you're feeling lonely and could benefit from some more social interaction.
If you're experiencing any of these signs, chances are that you are experiencing loneliness. There are a few things you can do to cope with loneliness:
Reach out to others and build connections.
When you're feeling lonely, it can be tough to reach out and connect with others. But there are plenty of ways to do it! Here are a few ideas:
- Join a club or group. Whether it's a book club, a sports team, or a knitting group, joining a club or group is a great way to meet new people and make friends.
- Volunteer. Volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and meet new people. There are plenty of opportunities to volunteer, whether it's at a local soup kitchen or a animal shelter.
- Go to a concert or a show. Attending a concert or a show is a great way to connect with others who share your interests. Plus, you never know who you might meet!
- Take a class. Taking a class is a great way to meet new people and learn new things. It's also a great way to make friends.
- Get a pet. Pets are great companions and can help reduce loneliness. If you're considering getting a pet, make sure to do your research so you choose the right one for you.
- Connect with old friends. Staying in touch with old friends is a great way to combat loneliness. Whether you stay in touch via social media or in person, catching up with old friends is always a good time.
- Connect with nature. Spending time in nature can help reduce stress and anxiety, and it can also be a great way to connect with the world around you.
- Travel. Traveling can be a great way to see new places and meet new people. If you're feeling lonely, consider planning a trip to somewhere you've always wanted to go.
- Reach out to your neighbours. Getting to know your neighbours is a great way to feel connected to your community. Plus, they might become friends!
- Join a gym. Joining a gym is a great way to meet new people and get healthy at the same time. gyms offer a variety of classes, so you're sure to find one that's right for you. Or hire a health and fitness coach so that you just don’t get to live a healthier lifestyle, but also develop a relationship with an accountability partner.
Whatever the reason for your loneliness may be, it’s important to first recognise that you currently are in that state. Once you do that first step, know that there are a lot of positive ways to cope up from this feeling. Loneliness is never a lifetime emotion, it goes away at some point. With the strategies that I have mentioned above, you now have the power to move out of loneliness the next time you meet along the way.
The word "metabolism" has become a buzzword in fitness circles. But is it possible to hack your metabolism? The answer is yes. And I'm not talking about some kind of fad diet or exercise plan that promises the ability to eat whatever you want and still lose weight. I mean real science-based strategies that can help you lose weight and keep it off: That's what this article is all about! So let's dive right in, shall we?
What is metabolism?
Metabolism is the process by which your body converts food into energy. This chemical energy allows you to function and stay alive, but it can also be changed if you're not getting enough of the right kind of fuel.
Metabolism is a complex system of chemical reactions that occur in every cell of your body to provide energy for your body to function. The rate at which these reactions take place depends on many factors, including age, gender and genetics—but one thing remains true: no matter what stage you're in right now (if you're pregnant or breastfeeding), there will always be room for improvement!
How metabolism changes
Your metabolism changes with age. As you get older, your body will naturally start to slow down. This is why it's important to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly throughout your life—to keep up with the natural aging process, or even prevent it from happening at all!
Metabolism also changes when you lose weight or gain weight: The more muscle mass you have on top of the fat stored in your body (which has been linked to lower levels of leptin), the less efficient those muscles are at using oxygen and calories as fuel. So if someone loses 20 pounds over six months but still feels hungry after meals because their metabolism hasn't adapted yet (and maybe hasn't been active since losing that much weight), then they might not be able to keep up with their new energy needs without some help from an appetite suppressant pill like Phentermine (which I don't recommend).
Things that influence your metabolism
The first thing to keep in mind is that your metabolism is influenced by many factors. For example, the amount of food you eat, how much exercise and sleep you get, how stressed out or relaxed you feel—and most importantly—how much caffeine or other stimulants (such as alcohol) are consumed on a daily basis.
This can be hard to believe for someone who has tried dieting for years without any results. But the truth is that some people simply have a fast-acting metabolism while others do not; so if one person eats three meals per day while another person eats only one meal per day but exercises more than twice as much each week, chances are their bodies’ metabolic rates will be different from one another's because of their respective lifestyles and habits!
How to hack your weight-loss metabolism
To hack your weight-loss metabolism, you need to eat more protein and avoid sugar and refined carbs. You should also eat more fibre and exercise regularly. Sleep enough for a good night's rest is important too. Stress can make it hard for you to lose weight by increasing cortisol levels which makes it harder for your body to burn fat as fuel instead of storing it (1). If you're stressed out all the time, try taking some time off from work or school for a short period of time each week so that you don't feel overwhelmed when trying to get healthy again after returning home from vacation or leave early from work every morning so that there's less pressure on getting everything done before leaving again right after lunchtime! Lastly: drink lots of water throughout the day because dehydration increases cravings while also making us hungrier due to lackadaisical eating habits caused by being unable
As you can see, there are many misconceptions when it comes to the process of losing weight and increasing metabolic rate. While some methods may seem foreign or even risky at first glance, they’re actually relatively simple and safe if you follow the right steps.
Before embarking on a diet plan or regimen though, it’s important for anyone who wants to lose weight fast and increase their metabolism to read up and learn everything about the right way of hacking your metabolism. Interested in making a big change in your health and lifestyle? Message Rita today to get started.
You work hard to keep your diet healthy and nutritious. You exercise almost every day to keep your body in shape. So, why are you gaining weight?
It doesn’t make sense! Well, the truth is that it does not always make sense. Some of us gain weight even though we watch what we eat and exercise regularly. This is because there are things called “hidden calories” which we need to understand before they lead to any weight gain.
If you want to stop gaining weight and start losing fat, read on as we explain why you might be gaining weight despite eating healthy and exercising. Read on to discover how you can lose weight by cutting out those hidden calories…
What Are Hidden Calories?
Hidden calories are calories that you don’t realize you are consuming. This happens because certain foods and drinks have more calories than you think. For example, an avocado has about 240 calories per serving. That’s about 15% of your daily calorie intake if you eat 2 avocados a day.
This is a significant amount of calories that you wouldn’t have realised you ate. You are not just eating one serving of avocado, but five or six servings of avocado. This is why you gain weight even though you eat healthy and exercise regularly. Hidden calories creep into your diet in many ways.
Hidden calories are found in many common food items. This includes sugary foods, processed foods, and even some healthy foods. They are often found in pre-packaged foods, mixes, and drinks. The amount of hidden calories in these foods can be surprisingly high.
How Do You Gain Weight From Hidden Calories?
Many of us make the mistake of thinking that simply eating healthy will cut down on weight gain. But, eating healthy foods may not always result in a lower weight. This is because eating healthy foods with high-calorie density may lead to weight gain.
Simply put, you are eating too many calories. The best way to avoid gaining weight even when you eat healthily is to make sure you are watching your portion sizes. This is the key to managing hidden calories in your diet to prevent weight gain. For example, if you are eating a bowl of rice as a side dish to your main meal, you would need about one cup of rice. But, if you are eating two cups of rice, then you are eating double the calories. Simply double-checking the amount of servings you are eating can help you manage the calories in your diet. This will help you prevent weight gain.
Processed Foods
It is a common misconception that eating processed foods is healthy. But, it isn’t.
A recent study found that eating just one serving of processed foods per day can increase your risk of diabetes by as much as 35%. This is primarily because processed foods are high in sugar and sodium.
There are many hidden calories in processed foods. And, you don’t even need to eat a whole bag of chips to be eating more than you would like. Just one handful is enough. For example, one serving of potato chips contains about 160 calories. One serving of corn chips contains approximately 150 calories.
Similarly, one serving of cheese crackers contains approximately 150 calories. This is almost 20% of your daily calorie intake. These are just a few examples of how excess hidden calories from processed foods can add up quickly. This can quickly lead to weight gain if you are not careful.
Sugary Foods
Sugary foods, like candy, pastries, and soda are obvious sources of hidden calories. But, they are not the only ones. Some fruit juices, even though they are natural, also have a lot of hidden calories.
One of the most surprising sources of hidden calories is honey. One tablespoon of honey contains 64 calories. This is almost half of your daily calorie intake. Similarly, one tablespoon of maple syrup contains 66 calories. This is almost the same amount of calories you get from one tablespoon of honey. One tablespoon of molasses contains 66 calories too.
All of these are examples of sugary foods that contain a lot of hidden calories. It is easy to add up these calories without even realizing it. This can lead to weight gain if you are not careful.
Research Shows That Eating Healthy Is The Only Way To Stop Gaining Weight, Right?
Many people think that eating healthy is the only way to stop gaining weight. But, that is not the case.
You don’t have to eat healthy just so that your weight doesn’t increase. You can eat whatever you want, provided you exercise regularly. This is because exercise is a great way to burn off excess calories. The calories you eat are transformed into energy.
This energy powers various functions in your body. When you eat more calories than you need, they get transformed into fats. These fats are stored in your body and lead to weight gain. This is why you need to burn off excess calories to prevent weight gain. Exercising regularly and burning as many calories as you can is one of the best ways to prevent weight gain.
Bottom Line
Eating healthy doesn’t always mean that you won’t gain weight. In fact, it is quite possible to gain weight even when you are eating healthy. You can prevent this from happening by managing your portion sizes and cutting down on sugary and sugary foods. Regular exercise can also help you burn off excess calories to prevent weight gain.