Life can be scary — really scary sometimes. And those fears can be paralyzing.

Fear is an emotion that stops many of us from achieving our dreams and living the life we want to live. It can be a positive force in our lives when it helps us to avoid danger, but too often fear keeps us from doing things we want to do or reaching our potential.

If you’re reading this, chances are that you’re afraid of something – whether that’s speaking in public, making new friends, travelling alone, trying something new, or even something as simple as spiders. Fear is universal, which means that everyone experiences it at some point in our lives. Luckily, we can learn how to let go of fear and use it to our advantage.

Identify Your Fears And What Their Hurting

If you want to get over your fears, the first step is to identify what you’re actually afraid of. While you may have many different fears, you might notice that there are certain themes. For example, you might be afraid of being judged or afraid of failure. Or you might be afraid of rejection, being unprepared, or making a fool of yourself.

Write down as many fears that come to mind, even if they seem silly or irrational. Then read through your list and ask yourself why are you afraid of such things.

You also need to identify what these fears are hurting. Are you afraid of making new friends because you’re worried you’re weird and people won’t like you?

Perhaps you’re afraid of speaking in public because you’re worried you’ll get laughed at or judged. Does fear of spiders keep you from enjoying nature? Being able to identify the why behind your fears is important because it helps you figure out how to overcome them.

Practice breathing exercises

When we’re scared, our bodies produce adrenaline, which makes our hearts race, our muscles tense up and our senses become heightened so we can react quickly in an emergency situation.

Fear also triggers a flight or fight response in our brains, which tells us to either run away from the threat or fight it physically.

Studies show that the way you breathe can affect how you feel about your fears. When you breathe quickly and shallowly, it can make you feel stressed, anxious, and afraid.

When you breathe slowly and deeply, you can counteract these feelings and even relax your body. If you’re struggling with fear, try to practise deep breathing a few times a day and notice how it affects how you feel. Deep breathing is often recommended as part of an anxiety reduction program called cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).


How to Practice Self-Breathing

  1. Find a quiet place where you won’t be disturbed for a few minutes (e.g., sitting in a park or walking outside)
  2. Breathe in through your nose into your belly so that it expands fully (but not so much that it feels uncomfortable). Then hold this breath for three seconds before exhaling through pursed lips very slowly (the lips should be closed as if whistling). Repeat this cycle five times and then take a break for one minute before starting again from step 2. Keep breathing in this way until you feel relaxed and calm inside yourself.

Focus On What You Can Control

While it’s important to acknowledge and work through your fears, it’s also important to focus on what you can control.

For example, let’s say you’re afraid of being rejected. You can’t control whether or not people will like you, but you can control how you act and react when someone does reject you.

Letting go of your fears and focusing on what you can control can help you reduce stress and feel more confident in your abilities. If you’re struggling with fear, ask yourself what you can control about that situation and try to focus on that. Letting go of your fears doesn’t mean pretending they don’t exist. Instead, it means accepting that you can’t control everything and using your energy wisely.

Do Exposure Therapy

The best way to get over your fears is to face them head-on. This might sound scary, but it actually works.

Exposure therapy is when you purposely put yourself in a situation you’re afraid of to reduce your fear. For example, if you’re afraid of spiders but you want to conquer that fear, you might go to a zoo and spend time near the spider exhibit.

Alternatively, you could find pictures of spiders online and look at them while imagining they were right in front of you. While this might feel silly and silly at first, studies show that it’s an effective way to overcome your fears and make them less powerful. You can also try other exposure therapy techniques such as keeping a journal about your fears or writing a letter to your fears.

Be Grateful For The Lessons Fear Teaches You

Fear can be a positive force in our lives, but too often it keeps us from doing things we want to do or reaching our potential.

When we’re young, we learn that the best way to avoid danger is to be afraid. We’re taught to avoid walking on the road because there might be cars, playing in the dark because there might be scary people, or touching a hot stove because it might burn us.

As we get older, we learn to be afraid of other things, such as speaking in public, making new friends, or trying out new things. While these fears might seem silly to someone else, they’re real to you. Even though they’re often irrational, they’re still very real. You don’t need to completely let go of your fears, but you can try to be grateful for the lessons they teach you.

Celebrate Your Achievements

Finally, one of the best ways to let go of your fears is to celebrate your achievements. When you push yourself to overcome your fears and do something difficult, it can be easy to focus on what you failed at or what you’re still struggling with.

However, it’s important to acknowledge the things you’re doing well. If you’re struggling with fear, try to celebrate your small achievements along the way, such as picking the easy first step towards overcoming your fear, or even just having the courage to try. You can also celebrate your achievements with friends and family, or even by sharing your story with others.

Letting go of fear doesn’t happen overnight, but it’s worth the journey.

If you’re struggling with fears and anxieties, know that you’re not alone. Everyone experiences fear, and it’s completely normal. The trick is to not let fear control you. When you’re faced with a fear, remember to breathe, focus on what you can control, and keep reminding yourself of your achievements. Most importantly, remember that fear can be overcome.


Are you ready to let go of fear and make changes to your life? Our Sisterhood Circle gives you a proven roadmap that helps create that consistency and confidence while helping you sculpt a lean, strong body.



You just can’t get yourself to do what needs to be done. You keep putting off until tomorrow what you could do today. You procrastinate on things that are important to you but don’t feel like doing at the moment. Does this sound like you? If so, you’re not alone. 

Procrastination affects almost everyone at some point in their life. It is a sneaky thief of time that sneaks up on people unaware when they least expect it. Despite being a universal phenomenon, procrastination can have a detrimental impact on our performance and quality of life if left unchecked. 

In this blog post, we’ll explore why we procrastinate, the dangers and how you can stop procrastinating to live a more productive life.

Why do we procrastinate

Procrastination is the act of putting off, delaying or postponing an intended course of action. The word procrastination comes from the Latin word procrasĭnus, which means "to put off till tomorrow".

The most common reason people procrastinate is that they lack the motivation to work on a task. They may feel overwhelmed by the size of the project, or they may think they're not good enough to finish it.

Some tasks just seem like too much work and require too much energy for anyone to want to get started on them right away. If you think about how much work it would take for you just to get started on the task in front of you, then you might wonder if it's even worth doing at all! So instead of starting right away (which would require effort and energy), we put off doing anything by telling ourselves that we'll start tomorrow or sometime later when we have more motivation

There are as many reasons for procrastination as there are people who procrastinate. Let’s take a look at some:

  • Don’t understand the value of what they are doing 
  • Are overbooked with too many activities 
  • Are perfectionists who want to do everything perfectly 
  • Are lazy and don’t feel like doing anything 
  • Are overwhelmed by the amount of work ahead of them 
  • Have unclear, unrealistic or unhelpful expectations of themselves 
  • Are experiencing an issue in their life, such as anxiety or depression 
  • Have a distorted belief system or faulty logic that leads them to believe that procrastination is the best option for them at the moment

3 Strategies to Stop Procrastination:

  1. Decide what’s important to you

Before you can decide how you’re going to tackle your procrastination, you need to decide what’s important to you. This is not a one-off exercise. You have to keep doing it. This way, you make sure that you constantly reflect on what is important to you and what isn’t. 

This will help you decide how to prioritise your time so that you have time to do the things that you need to do and don’t have time to do the things that are not important to you. 

There are many ways you can decide what’s important to you. Here are a few suggestions: 

  • Ask yourself this question: If I could only do one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be? 
  • Make a list of all the things that are important to you. This could be family, friends, hobbies, work and so on. 
  • Make a list of all the things that you’re currently doing and decide whether they’re important to you or not.


  1. Make your chores feel like tasks you’d want to do

Doing things that you don’t want to do will never get you anywhere. You’ll just end up resenting these things and you’ll probably procrastinate even more. Instead, try to make your chores feel like tasks that you’d actually want to do. 

If you can do this, you’ll find that you’ll be more productive and less likely to procrastinate. Here are a few ways to make your chores feel like tasks that you’d want to do: 

  • Be specific about what you need to do. Instead of saying, “I have to finish this project”, break the task down into its separate parts. 
  • Make sure each task is relevant and important. If you don’t feel like doing something, consider why it’s on your list and if it really needs to be there.
  • Find a way to make each task more enjoyable. You could listen to your favourite music or podcasts, meditate, do yoga or set yourself a reward system.


  1. Have a plan for when you feel like procrastinating most

We’re all going to have moments when we feel like procrastinating. It’s impossible to avoid these feelings completely. There will be times when you just don’t feel like doing anything. The important thing is how you deal with these feelings and urges. 

When you feel like procrastinating, ask yourself why and challenge the thoughts that you’re having. If you feel like procrastinating, it’s probably because the task you’re faced with feels impossible, too big or too difficult to do. Your feelings are just trying to protect you from doing something you think you can’t do. 

Having an outline can help you stay focused and keep moving forward. For example, if you're writing a paper or essay, write down what all needs to be done before you start writing — such as gathering all necessary sources and materials — and then write down your plan for each section in order of importance. You'll know exactly what to do next and won't waste time wandering around trying to figure out where to start.

Remember to start small. Starting with small tasks and working up from there helps take away some of that initial "ugh" factor that comes with tackling something big and overwhelming. 


Procrastination is a serious problem, affecting almost everyone at some point in their life. It is important to understand why you are procrastinating and what you can do to stop it. 

Unfortunately, procrastination is a very common problem, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be overcome. With the right strategies and techniques, you can get past your procrastination and achieve your goals.

Which area of your life do you procrastinate the most? Remember, if it’s too overwhelming, seek help. If you’re ready to create a healthier and more productive life, send Rita a message today. 



Do you ever feel like there’s more to life than what you’re experiencing right now? That there’s something more exciting, exhilarating, and fulfilling out there waiting for you? In that moment, do you feel a yearning – almost an ache – to fully live the potential inside of you? And have you ever wondered why that feeling comes and goes, seemingly at random? And if so, do you often find yourself asking: How can I tap into this hidden part of myself more consistently? How can I unlock my greatest potential every single day and not just once in a while? The good news is, it’s easier than you think!

Here’s the Problem: Our Limiting Beliefs About Who We Are and What Is Possible for Us.

Self-doubt is often thought of as the enemy of progress. It’s that voice inside your head telling you that you aren’t good enough, smart enough, or worthy enough. But how does this voice limit our potential?

Self-doubt keeps us from stepping outside our comfort zones and achieving our full potential. 

  • It keeps us from taking risks or trying new things because we might fail. 
  • It can keep us from speaking up or being heard because we don’t think we have anything important to say or contribute. 
  • It can keep us from being successful at work or school by making us feel like we don’t deserve it. 
  • It can also keep us from pursuing our passions or dreams because we don’t think they are possible for someone like ourselves.

Now that we know what self-doubt is, let’s take a look at why it happens. We all form beliefs about ourselves and the world around us from a young age, usually without even realizing it. Unfortunately, many people inherit limiting beliefs about who they are and what is possible for them from their parents, friends, and society at large. These beliefs are what cause self-doubt, and they’re often quite destructive. For example, if you grew up in a family where people were always saying, “You can’t do that! You’re not good enough! You’re not smart enough!” – well, what do you think that would do to your self-confidence and self-esteem?

The secret to connecting with your greatest potential is self-connection.

You are the only one who can connect with your highest level of performance. No one else can do that for you. You might have a coach, but if you don’t connect with your own greatness, then no one else will be able to help you get there.

Athletes who reach their potential understand this concept and use it as their primary tool for success. They know that if they want to perform at their peak level, then they must first connect with themselves through meditation or some other form of self-awareness practice.

When I talk about self-connection, I mean having an honest conversation with yourself about what matters most in life and then acting on those priorities daily until they become habits that define who we are as individuals and professionals. When you make these things habitual, they become second nature — like brushing your teeth or taking a shower every day — and allow you to function at a higher level than someone who doesn’t take the time out of their day to invest in themselves first before asking others

How to Tap Into Your Greatest Potential Every Single Day

  1. Look at what you've achieved so far.

You may be the only one holding yourself back from your full potential. You're smart, you're talented, and you have a lot to offer. But something is holding you back, and it isn't all that hard to figure out what it is: You.

Whether it's fear of failure or fear of success, fear of rejection or fear of being alone, fear of being judged or fear of being judged — whatever it is — it's stopping you from being your best self and living your best life. And it has got to stop.

You may be surprised at how much you've already accomplished in life. Seriously — take a look back at your accomplishments and see how far you've come. When I did this exercise for myself, it was eye-opening. I realized that I had been able to accomplish more than I thought possible, given the circumstances of my life and upbringing.

Write it in a journal, or play a guided meditation on Youtube. Whether it's big or small, take a moment to appreciate it. Once you realize how much potential is inside of you, it will become easier to tap into it every day.


  1. What's one small thing you can do to move forward today?

One thing I do is to write down one small thing that I can do to move forward each day. I'll give you an example: Last night, I was feeling really tired and discouraged. I had a lot of work to do, and I couldn't seem to get anything done. I started to beat myself up about it: "You're so lazy! You should be able to do this much faster."

But then I remembered what my friend told me — that when you're working on something new, it takes time for your brain to adjust. And that's exactly what was happening with me — my brain needed time to adjust.

So instead of beating myself up, I wrote down one small thing that could help me move forward: "Do just one thing today." Just one little step at a time, and see how it goes. Multitasking might feel like it's making us more productive, but it leads to lower quality results and higher stress levels (not to mention boredom!).


  1. Take action (and don't wait to get started!)

The more time you spend waiting for perfect conditions, the less likely it is that you'll ever get anything done. Do what needs to be done now and make adjustments as you go along.

When you're working on a project, don't wait for things to come to you — go after them! Be proactive rather than reactive. For example, if someone asks you to do something that will take a lot of effort (like writing an article), instead of thinking "I'll let them know when I'm ready," think "How can I work on this while they're waiting?" The less time they have to wait for your response or work product, the better off everybody is!


Greatness isn’t reserved for a lucky few. It lives within us all. When we tap into the very best of who we are, what we stand for, and what we want to achieve, we begin to live a life worthy of our greatest potential.

When you think about it, your potential is infinite. There’s no limit to how much you can achieve. The only thing stopping you is your own belief that you can’t do something or reach a certain level of success. You must believe that you have the power within you to exceed expectations, rise above the status quo, and bring out the best in yourself daily. Once you acknowledge this as truth, your potential will grow and expand in ways that are currently unimaginable.

Navigating your way to unlocking your greatest potential is not an easy task. If you need guidance, your next personal coach Rita Trotter is here to help. Just click HERE to book a call with her.


Stay fit and healthy is not just a New Year’s resolution. It is more than that. It is a way of life that will bring positive changes to your life forever. Successful people know it well – staying healthy and fit is linked to success in every aspect of your life. 


There are many successful people out there who have great habits, routines, and rituals that keep them motivated and on track with their goals. If you too want to be successful, adopt these top 6 habits of highly successful people that will make you a success as well.


Exercise Daily

If there is one health habit that will change your life forever, it is daily exercise. If you are someone who practises regular exercise, you need to get started today as it is one of the best things you can do for your health and your success. 


Exercising releases endorphins that make you feel good and happy. Not only that, it helps you sleep better, improves your concentration and focus, makes you more creative and productive, reduces stress and anxiety, improves your mood, and makes you better able to deal with life’s challenges and it Improves cardiovascular health. Regular exercise can lower blood pressure and decrease your risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and stroke. In fact, people who exercise regularly have a 30 to 50 percent reduction in their risk of dying from heart disease compared to those who don't exercise at all. 


There is no single thing you can do that will have a more positive impact on your life than daily exercise. It is a no-brainer that if you want to be successful, adopting this healthy habit will bring you a long way towards your success. Exercise is a key component of any healthy lifestyle and in turn, a healthy career. 


Eat Your Breakfast Everyday

This is a common habit of successful people that will make you much more productive in your everyday life. Research shows that people who eat breakfast every day are healthier, have more energy, and are less likely to become overweight or obese in their lifetime. 


Apart from staying fit and healthy, breakfast will also keep you alert and focused throughout the day, which is particularly important if you are a student or a person who has an early shift at work. If you don’t like to eat breakfast, it may be a sign that your body is not getting the nutrients it needs to function optimally. 


A new study from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Public Health finds that skipping breakfast is linked to a higher risk for metabolic syndrome, a condition marked by high blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess abdominal fat & Metabolic syndrome can lead to diabetes, heart disease, and stroke.


So the next time you plan to skip another breakfast, think again. Successful people  recognise breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


Getting Enough Sleep

It's common knowledge that sleep deprivation can lead to a wide range of health problems. But getting enough rest isn't just good for our bodies — it's good for our brains too.


In fact, studies have shown that a lack of sleep can impact brain power and memory. According to Psychology Today, one study found that students who slept only four hours per night for two weeks performed worse on tests than students who had slept at least six hours in the same period.


And another study found that those who slept less than seven hours per night showed signs of cognitive impairment similar to those with mild Alzheimer's disease.


"Sleep loss is like putting sand in your engine," Sleep expert Dr. Michael Breus told Business Insider Australia last year. "You can continue driving without noticing any issues, but eventually something will break down."


Make Your Bed Everyday

Are you making your bed every day? If not, you should make it a priority to start doing it right away. How is making your bed every day linked to success? 


If you are not making your bed every day, you are unconsciously saying to yourself that you are not worth it. Making your bed every day will help you stay organised and focused. It will also help you declutter your home and reduce the stress in your life. It is a very simple thing, but it will bring many positive changes in your life. 


Stay Organized and Declutter Your Life

As I have mentioned above, successful people are more organised and less cluttered in their lives. And there are a number of reasons behind that. 


First, they are more aware of the importance of being organised and keeping things in order. They know that being organised helps them stay focused and achieve their goals. Organisation brings clarity and a sense of control in your life, which is important and critical in the fast-paced life that we are living today. 


Being disorganised will lead to a lot of confusion and stress, which will create many hurdles on your way to success. Being organised will help you declutter your life, which is very important as many people out there live a cluttered life, with cluttered surroundings, cluttered thoughts, cluttered day-to-day activities, etc. The more cluttered your life is, the more difficult it is for you to stay focused and achieve your goals quickly. 


Take Care of Your Mental Wellbeing

Mental well-being is just as important as physical well-being. But many people do not give that much importance to it. If you want to be successful, you must make it a priority to take care of your mental well-being as well. 

There are many things you can do to take care of your mental wellbeing, such as spending more time with family and friends, meditating, reading self-help books, going to therapy, etc. All of these things will help you stay stress-free and focused in your life. 

Taking a break every once in a while will help you re-energise and recharge your batteries. It will give your body and mind a chance to rest and relax. It will help you find new ideas and thoughts as well. Successful people know that they need to take breaks to be more productive and efficient. It is essential for your health and wellbeing. 

Stress is one of the biggest hurdles in your way to success. If you are stressed, you are not able to stay focused, you are not able to sleep, and you are not able to eat properly. So, if you want to be successful, make it a priority to take care of your mental wellbeing.


The key to unlocking your potential and becoming a successful person is having good habits and incorporating them into your life. Achieving success requires discipline, patience, and resilience in the face of failure. 


It’s not just about setting goals but also taking action to make those goals a reality. In other words, you can’t expect to become successful overnight. It takes continuous effort – day in and day out – until it becomes a part of who you are.


Successful people have certain qualities that set them apart from everyone else. They have a relentless drive to achieve their goals, an unbreakable spirit, and the ability to remain optimistic in any given situation.  Are you incorporating any of the 6 healthy habits I mentioned in your current life? I’d love to hear about YOUR thoughts… let’s talk about it head over to my Facebook group and let me know what they are.



The onset of menopause is no longer a sign of old age and frailty, but an opportunity to embrace a new you. Menopause is not only about dealing with hot flushes and sleepless nights; it’s also a time when your body goes through changes that affect your health in more ways than one. Even though hormone levels are fluctuating in your body and you may feel lethargic or unmotivated at times, it’s important to stay active to boost your metabolism, keep excess fat at bay, stimulate bone strength and maintain flexibility for as long as possible.

Cardio Exercises to Strengthen Body and Mind

The best thing about menopause is that it gives you the freedom to do whatever you want. You can choose to work out inside or outside, in the comfort of your home or at a gym. All you need is a little discipline and a few minutes to spare every day. 

Cardio exercises are great for your heart, blood flow and metabolism, and can also help keep your weight in check. Here are a few highly recommended cardio exercises for menopausal women. 


  1. Walking/Jogging – Walking and jogging are great exercises that can be done anywhere. All you need is a pair of sturdy shoes, some rhythm and a bit of determination. Aim to walk/jog for at least 30 minutes every day. 
  2. Swimming – Swimming is one of the best exercises for menopausal women because it is low-impact, and therefore, doesn’t put too much strain on your joints. It’s also one of the best ways to relax and unwind and can be a great way to socialize with friends. 
  3. Indoor Cycling – If you prefer indoor workouts, cycling is an excellent exercise for weight loss. You can do it at home or at a gym, and all you need is a stationary bike, and you’re good to go. Look for a stationary bike with adjustable resistance to make your workouts more challenging as you progress.  
  4. Squats – Squats are great for toning your legs and glutes and can also help strengthen your core. Squats are one of the best exercises to do during menopause because they help strengthen and stabilize your pelvic floor.

Core Exercises for a Strong Core and Good posture

Here are a few core exercises that can help you strengthen your back, improve posture and prevent any kind of back pain. 

  1. Standing Twist – Standing Twist is a great exercise that not only helps you build strength in your core but also improves your balance and posture. Here’s how to do the standing twist. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Keep your arms by your side and hold on to a chair or wall if needed for balance. Squeeze your glutes and lift one leg up behind you, keeping your knee bent at 90 degrees. Keeping your hips still, rotate towards the leg that’s lifted behind you until your foot touches the ground behind you. Then bring it back up to standing, then repeat on the other side.
  2. Seated Twist – Seated Twist is another great exercise that can be done while you’re at work. This exercise will help to strengthen your abdominal and back muscles. Sit upright in your chair with your feet flat on the floor. Place both hands behind you, by your waist. Lean back slightly and twist from side to side, keeping your head always facing forward.
  3. Cat-Cow Pose – Cat-Cow pose is a great way to stretch your spine and strengthen your core.   Start on your hands and knees in Tabletop Position. Make sure all four wrists are directly below your shoulders, with your fingers pointing forward, parallel to each other and about shoulder-width apart. Spread your knees about hip-width apart and point your toes behind you. Bring your big toes together so that they touch but let the rest of your feet fall out to the sides. Bring your belly toward the floor by contracting (pulling in) your abdominal muscles as much as possible without straining or moving any other part of the body. Round your back toward the ceiling and look up at the ceiling with an open throat; this is Cow Pose. Release by reversing the movement: arch back upward into Cat Pose, tucking the chin in slightly toward the chest to help open
  4. Bridge Pose – Bridge pose is a great exercise for your glutes and lower back. It also stretches the chest and shoulders, and it helps relieve stress on the lower back. This pose can be modified to accommodate any level of fitness. To do this pose, lie flat on your back with your knees bent. Slowly lift your hips up off the floor until your body forms a straight line from head to toe. Press down through both heels into the floor and lift up through the crown of your head so you feel like a bow being drawn by an archer's bowstring. If you have trouble holding this pose for more than a few seconds, place blocks under your buttocks or roll up a towel and place it between your thighs. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute while breathing deeply.

Yoga Exercises for Flexibility, Stamina and Relaxation

Yoga is not only known for helping you stay fit and healthy, but is also for improving your mental health and general well-being. Yoga stretches and tones your muscles improves your breathing, and increases your flexibility. It also calms the mind and reduces anxiety, stress, and depression. 

Here are a few best yoga exercises to try during menopause. 

  1. Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) – This is one of the basic yoga exercises that can be done almost anywhere. It helps improve your posture, balance and flexibility.  Sit on the floor with your legs stretched forward. Keep your hands by your side and stretch them out as far as you can. Now, lift your chest upwards while inhaling deeply and stretch out both arms to the sides at shoulder height. Stretch them backwards while exhaling and bring them down next to your ears. Hold this pose for a few seconds before returning to the original position. Repeat this exercise 10 times to gain benefits from it.
  2. Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana) – This yoga pose helps improve your posture and strength in your core.  Start in Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with your feet together or apart depending on your mobility. Raise your arms straight out to the sides at shoulder height (A). Bend your right knee and step forward into a lunge with your right foot facing forward and left foot turned out 90 degrees (B). Bend down to grab onto the ball of your left foot with both hands for support (C). Now straighten up as much as possible while keeping both heels on the floor. Keep your spine long and gaze straight ahead towards one of the corners of the room if possible (D). Hold for 20 seconds then switch sides.
  3. Chair Pose (Utkatasana) – This yoga pose helps improve your posture and strengthens your core.  Stand with your feet together. Spread your legs apart until they are about hip-width apart. Bend your right knee and bring it toward your chest as you raise your arms above your head. Bring your hands together at the centre of your chest or clasp them behind your back if possible.  Straighten both arms overhead while keeping them parallel to each other with palms facing down. Hold this position for 5-10 seconds before lowering back down into a chair pose on the other side by bending your left knee and bringing it toward your chest while raising both arms above head level with palms facing down. Hold for 5-10 seconds before repeating on both sides again for 1-3 sets total per session depending on how many repetitions you can do without losing balance or feeling weak
  4. Seated Forward Bend (Paschimottanasana) –This yoga pose helps improve your flexibility in your spine and back. To do this pose, sit on the floor with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend forward from your hips, keeping your back straight. Hold onto the top of your feet or ankles if you can’t reach them comfortably. Stay in this position for as long as comfortable and then return to sitting upright with knees bent in front of you.

When menopause strikes, your body goes through a natural process of ageing. Your estrogen and progesterone levels drop drastically, which can induce hot flashes, insomnia and other side effects. However, it doesn’t mean that you need to stop exercising. 

Menopause is the perfect time to get in shape because your metabolism is on fire and now is the best time to burn those fats while boosting your stamina at the same time! The benefits of exercise as a menopausal woman are numerous. It reduces stress and anxiety, improves sleep quality and helps with weight maintenance by burning excess fat more efficiently than dieting alone.

If you’re just starting out with an exercise program or coming back after some time away from the gym, try those exercises abovementioned at your own pace and comfort. All you need is a little discipline and a few minutes to spare every day.


You’ve probably heard this advice before: a good night’s sleep is the secret to a better, happier life. It’s not just empty words. Constant lack of sleep can have serious consequences in the long run. For example, insufficient sleep increases your risk of obesity and diabetes, leads to impaired cognitive function, and even causes depression.


We all know that getting enough sleep every night is one of the best ways to feel energized and happy throughout the day – but for many of us, it remains challenging as we lead busy lives. In fact, according to the National Sleep Foundation, almost one-third of adults report getting fewer than seven hours of sleep on an average night. 


Fortunately, there are some simple tricks you can use to get more restful nights and lead a healthier lifestyle overall. Read on for some great advice on how you can stick with a routine that will leave you feeling refreshed every morning.


Establish a regular bedtime routine

A bedtime routine has many advantages over a strict bedtime. If you go to bed with the same thought patterns and behaviours every night, your body will start associating them with sleep. You might think about what you need to get done the next day, or any issues you’re facing; if you go to sleep with this running through your head, you’ll be more likely to lie awake for a long time, unable to drop off. 

A bedtime routine can help you to drop off more quickly, meaning that you’ll get more rest even if you don’t have a strict bedtime. Examples of a bedtime routine include reading a book, journaling, meditation, or even just having a cup of tea while reading a magazine.


Don’t eat too late at night

A large meal at the end of the day can cause digestive problems, making it difficult to get to sleep. Ideally, you should finish eating about three hours before your bedtime. That way, the food has enough time to digest, but you’re not lying awake in bed with a growling stomach. It’s also important to avoid drinking too much water before bed. You can wake up frequently to go to the bathroom, which will inhibit your ability to get quality sleep. If you want to eat a meal before bed, try something light. A bowl of cereal, or a small smoothie, are easy options that won’t disrupt your sleep.


Get blackout curtains and good lighting

One of the most common issues that people have with sleep is light. If you have too much light in your bedroom, you’ll have a much harder time falling asleep. Some people, particularly those who work the night shift, will benefit from using blackout curtains. This will block out light coming in from outside. 

If you don’t have blackout curtains, or if you don’t have enough light coming in to block out the sun, there are plenty of lighting solutions. You can simply use a regular lamp with a dimmer switch, or you can use a specialized sleep light. 


Don’t multitask an hour before bed

A lot of people like to wind down with a little TV; it helps them to relax so that they can fall asleep. Unfortunately, this is a bad move. The blue light emitted by TV and computer screens can actually disrupt your circadian rhythm, making it more difficult to fall asleep. Instead, try to do something relaxing, but low-key, like reading a book or having a cup of tea. Alternatively, if you are someone who likes to journal or meditate, then journaling or meditating can be a great way to wind down.


Exercise regularly

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve your sleep. Exercise helps to improve sleep quality in a number of ways. First, it improves your overall health and wellness, which leads to lower stress levels and a better mood at the end of the day. Exercise is also excellent for helping you to regulate your circadian rhythm and improve your sleep timing. 

Regular exercise can also help you to reduce insomnia, especially among people who suffer from mild insomnia. If you have difficulty sleeping, try exercising regularly to improve your sleep quality. You can engage in aerobic exercise (like brisk walking, running, swimming, or cycling), or strength training. If you’re not sure where to start, check out our article on how to start a regular exercise routine.


Meditate or do breathing exercises

If you have trouble falling asleep, it may be a good idea to try meditating or doing breathing exercises before you go to bed. Choose something that works for you. There are plenty of guides available online to help you get started. Alternatively, you can try using an app like Calm or Headspace. Meditation is a great way to relax your body and clear your head, making it easier to fall asleep. If you don’t have the patience for it, try doing some breathing exercises instead. Focus on your breathing, and how it feels as you inhale and exhale.


Track your sleep habits and conditions to identify problem areas

If you’ve tried everything on this list and you’re still having trouble sleeping, it’s time to start tracking your sleep habits. 

Figure out when you’re getting the most sleep, and when you’re getting the least. Do you have trouble falling asleep, or staying asleep? Is it consistent? Start keeping a sleep journal to track your sleep habits, and you’ll be able to identify problem areas. You might find that you wake up every night at the same time, in which case you can adjust your schedule to accommodate your body. Or maybe you’re getting too much light in your bedroom. Once you’ve tracked your sleep habits and conditions, you can take steps to improve them.


Bottom line

Getting enough sleep is essential to your health, productivity, and well-being. Unfortunately, the modern world makes this incredibly difficult. The good news is that there are loads of ways to improve your sleep. All you need to do is make a few small changes. And then you’ll be well on your way to a better quality of life. Don’t eat late at night, use blackout curtains, don’t multitask before bed, exercise regularly, and you may even want to consider meditating or doing breathing exercises. All of these things are proven to improve sleep and will make your life better in so many ways.



As much as you might want to get rid of that stubborn fat, the fact is that it's pretty hard to shed. So, if you're looking for the best exercises that will help you get rid of stubborn fat, then read on! These 9 best exercises that will help you get rid of stubborn fat will help you melt fat, tone and strengthen your muscles, and boost your metabolism.  Let's take a look at these 9 awesome exercises that will help you get rid of stubborn fat.


1. Barbell Squat

You've probably been told that squats are the best exercises for burning fat and strengthening your legs. But how exactly do they fit into this scheme?  When performed correctly, the squat will help you get rid of any extra fat in your legs and improve their strength. Squats also help prevent injuries in your knees, hips, back, and ankles. To get the best results, try to avoid wide squats and go as low as you can without pain.


2. Jumping Rope

Jumping rope is one of the best exercises for getting rid of stubborn fat around your legs. It's also a great cardio workout for your heart, lungs and muscles. It can burn up to 500 calories per hour, which is more than most workouts.

You don't need any special equipment other than a jump rope, so you can do it almost anywhere. You'll also be able to do this exercise without putting too much stress on your joints or ligaments.

Get into a comfortable stance with your feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Hold the handles of the jump rope in each hand and position them at hip level with palms facing in toward each other. The handles should not be touching but should be within easy reach if needed during exercise execution. 

Check that there is enough tension on the rope by pulling gently on each handle with both hands; if this is difficult then it means that there is no sufficient tension on the rope and you will not be able to execute turns well which would result in poor technique execution while jumping. Stand up tall with weight distributed evenly between both feet while keeping


3. Overhead Press

An overhead press is essentially a push-up that focuses more on the arms than the core. The exercise is a great fat burner, because it targets your arms and chest muscles, which are often neglected in traditional push-ups.  Moreover, an overhead press is also a great way to build strength in the shoulders, especially for women. As we age, our muscles tend to weaken and get weak. This is especially true for the shoulder muscles that get exposed to a great deal of stress and tension from daily activities.


4. Step-up

The step-up is a great exercise for toning the glutes and strengthening the legs. The best thing about step-ups is that you can adjust the difficulty level according to your fitness level and exercise goals.  If you’re looking to simply tone your legs, you can start with a lower step-up elevation. If you want to add strength and build more muscle, you can step up the elevation. As with most exercises, the more you step up, the more calories you’ll burn.


5. Bicep Curl

A good bicep curl is one of the best exercises for getting rid of stubborn fat in your arms and building muscle tone. Bicep curls not only strengthen your forearms but also shape your biceps.  Achieving thick, strong biceps requires not only size but also shape. By performing bicep curls, you’ll build a lot of muscle while sculpting your arms into a more defined shape. Bicep curls are also a great way to increase your metabolism and kickstart fat loss.


6. Triceps Dip

The triceps is one of the largest muscle groups in the body, and it is responsible for the extension of the elbow joint. The best exercise for toning up this area is the triceps dip.  The dip is one of the most effective ways of working out the triceps because you are not only challenging the weight on the downward movement, but also the upward movement. This means that not only will you develop your triceps more effectively, but you will also improve your cardiovascular fitness at the same time.


7. Leg Extension

The leg extension is one of the best exercises for building strength, muscle size, and improving your balance. As with most exercises, the more you do it, the stronger your legs will get.  The extension is a great way to strengthen your legs because it’s an isolated movement. That is, it works the quadriceps muscles, which are the most powerful in your thighs. This exercise is also very safe and easy to do.


8. Chair Leg Curl

The chair leg curl is a great exercise for strengthening the hamstrings and building size. The best thing about the chair curl is that you can adjust the difficulty level according to your level of fitness and exercise goals.  If you’re looking to simply get stronger, you can start with a lower elevation, but if you want to increase muscle mass and boost your metabolism, you can raise the chair. As with most exercises, the more you raise the chair, the more calories you’ll burn.


9. Jogging

This is one of the best exercises for getting rid of stubborn fat around your legs. It's also a great cardio workout for your heart, lungs and muscles. Plus, it's a low impact exercise so it's not going to put any stress on your joints.

Jogging is also known to improve cardiovascular health by increasing heart rate and improving blood circulation. You can also burn about 600 calories in an hour of jogging at a moderate pace (5 mph).

If you don't have time to go to the gym or don't like working out at home, then jogging is a great way to get some exercise in your day.



If you’re looking for the best exercises that will help you get rid of stubborn fat, then you’ve come to the right place. These 9 best exercises will help you achieve this goal.  If you follow these workouts regularly, you will see results quickly. No matter what your fitness level is, you can benefit from these exercises. They are easy to follow, and you don’t need any special equipment to do them.

At the end of the day, eating the right foods and hitting the gym regularly are crucial to losing weight. You cannot sit at home on the couch and expect to see any results at all. Make sure you work your hardest, but also make sure to be consistent about it. If you dedicate yourself to exercising and making small dietary changes, over time you will see results. Lastly, don’t hesitate to ask for guidance from health coaches like Rita Trotter to help you get rid of those stubborn fats. 


Negative self-talk is the voice in our head that criticizes and questions our actions. It is a form of self-sabotage, which makes it difficult to overcome. On the surface, self-sabotage seems like it would be helpful – after all, how can we improve our skills if we don’t know where we need to improve? However, the self-sabotaging voice in our heads is negative, harsh, and unhelpful. We can’t control negative self-talk and it will only make it harder for us to improve.


Instead of listening to the negative self-talk, we need to recognise it and begin to replace it with more helpful, positive messages. Several simple strategies can help us get started.


1. Recognise your negative thoughts


You have to first recognise that it's happening. If you're not actively listening to your own thoughts and the words you let out, you won't know what to work on. Recognising that it's happening is the first step in changing your thinking habits, so be sure to listen to yourself.


Another thing to watch out for is what kinds of things trigger these reactions in your brain. If there's a certain person who always seems to set off your negative thoughts, it may be best to avoid them if possible (although this isn't always practical). If certain activities cause these feelings, try to avoid doing them unless necessary.


2. Ask yourself if they are true.


If your negative self-talk sounds anything like mine, it's often punctuated by phrases like "I'm not good enough," "People don't like me," and "I'll never be successful." But are those statements actually true?


Here's the thing: We all tend to assume that our thoughts are 100% accurate. The truth is, your thoughts aren't always right; they're just thoughts, after all. And so much of what we think is influenced by how we feel at any given moment—which is constantly changing!


So before reacting to your thoughts, take a second to question them. Ask yourself whether there's any evidence that those beliefs are true or false, or somewhere in between. If the thought is true, then ask yourself whether it's helpful to think about it in this way. If the answer is yes, then there's nothing wrong with this self-talk (even if it is negative).


For example, if you have a job interview coming up and you're thinking about how nervous or unprepared you are for it, then this may be true and helpful for you to think about. You may need to remind yourself to prepare for the interview or practise your answers to common interview questions so that being nervous doesn't prevent you from putting your best foot forward.


3. Replace those thoughts with the positives, or with nothing at all.


The thing is, as long as you keep thinking these thoughts, they will keep coming back. The more we think about something, the stronger and more habitual that thought becomes. Think of it like a muscle memory: If you practise playing the piano every day for a year, those neural pathways are going to get stronger and stronger until playing the piano becomes automatic.


In the same way, if we practise thinking negative thoughts all day long for years on end, those thoughts become automatic and we don't have any control over them—that is unless we work on developing new neural pathways in our brains by practicing more positive (or at least neutral) thoughts.


First, let's talk about what it means to think positively. It means that you start to look at things from a brighter perspective and that you expect good things to happen throughout the day. It doesn't mean that you have unrealistic expectations that are impossible to meet—it simply requires a change in perspective. Once you've made this small change in how you view life, things will simply start going better for you.


For one thing, other people will respond much more positively to you once they feel the shift in your attitude. When someone sees that you are optimistic and expecting good things to happen, they will tend to feel more comfortable around you and begin to be more open with their own positive outlooks as well. Example. friendships become deeper and more meaningful when everyone is committed to bringing out the best in each other.


4. Create a mantra to repeat during difficult times.


One tool that can help get rid of negative self-talk is creating a mantra—a phrase or words that you repeat to yourself to shift your perspective and bring yourself back from the brink of despair toward the land of hope and optimism. It can be something as simple as "I am strong" or "I am capable," or something more specific to the situation at hand: "Everything happens for a reason".


It's a simple tip and one that can be as long or short as you want. What I do is write down the mantra on a notecard and place it somewhere where I will see it every day, like in my wallet, my car, or on my desk at work. When bad things start to happen, I repeat the mantra to myself over and over and over again. By doing this I'm able to keep the bad situation from getting worse because even though bad things may be happening all around me, I'm not letting those things get into my head.


5.  Refocus your mind


A simple way to focus on something other than your thoughts is to simply focus on your breath. One technique is to count your breaths: inhale for four counts, hold for four counts, and exhale for four counts. This will force you to slow down the pace of your breathing and concentrate on something other than what's happening in your mind.


Focus on another activity. Sometimes the best way to get out of your head is by doing something else entirely. The next time you find yourself feeling anxious or angry about something, go for a walk or work on a hobby that requires all of your attention—anything that will keep you from focusing on what's going on in your head.


Practice mindfulness exercises. Mindfulness exercises are similar to breathing exercises in that they take your focus away from what's going on in your mind.



As we learn to recognise and replace negative self-talk and replace it with positive, supportive messages, we can improve the quality of our thinking, which allows us to better address and deal with the situations we face in life. I have found this strategy to be especially helpful in reducing anxiety and stress, as well as improving confidence. 

By replacing the negative messages that cause us to think badly about ourselves with more encouraging thoughts, we can change negative thought patterns into positive ones and overall improve the quality of our thinking. And by doing so, we can transform our lives into something even better than before.



Surviving in today’s world can be challenging. From fighting oppression to depression, the challenges we face today are unprecedented. If you’re a woman and you’re reading this, then you’re probably going through something.


There are so many things competing for our attention, and that alone makes surviving as a woman even harder. But don’t let that deter you. Because no matter what difficulties you’re facing as a woman, there is always a way to overcome them and become stronger. In this article, we’ll explain how you can be a mentally strong woman.


1.  Set goals and stay focused


It’s important to set goals for yourself and work towards them. It is important to set realistic goals for yourself. If your goals are too unrealistic, you'll quickly become discouraged and give up. Or another way around, pushing yourself too much for an unrealistic goal may damage your mental and physical endurance. Instead, set goals that are challenging but still achievable.


Setting goals is important because it helps you stay focused and motivated. It is important to set realistic goals rather than setting yourself up for something that only leads to disappointment. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, aim to lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week. This way, you'll see results without feeling overwhelmed or get discouraged.


If a friend or family member is sad or depressed, it’s important to support them and be there for them. However, it’s also important to not let their negativity consume you.


It’s important to help them get through their sadness, but you also need to stay focused on your own goals and stay in touch with your friends, family, and community. That way, you can help them while also staying focused on your own goals.


2.  Don’t let negativity stop you


We’ve talked a lot about how being mentally strong can help you get through difficult situations. But mental strength is not a silver bullet. It’s important to remember that even when you are mentally strong, you can still be bombarded with negativity based on certain aspects of your life. This means that stress and pressure brought by these negativities can affect both your mental and physical strength.


Even though you have already overcome many of the challenges that come with being a woman, you can still go through negativity. This means that you may face discrimination, harassment, and even violence based on your gender or other demographics. However, keep in mind that you are the captain of your own life. Regardless of these barriers, you can always rise to the occasion.


It’s important that no matter what happens, you remain calm and positive and don’t let stress fully take over your system. Here are some good mental health effects of staying positive:


  • Positivity boosts your energy and motivation.

If you’re feeling down about your progress or discouraged about your abilities, it can be tough to find the energy to keep going. But if you focus on the good things, on what you’ve accomplished and what you’re working towards, you’ll find yourself more motivated to push through when times get tough.

  • Positivity encourages healthy habits.

When you’re focused on the positives, you’re more likely to make healthy choices. You’ll be less likely to dwell on the junk food you ate last night or the fact that you skipped your workout, and more likely to make choices that will help you reach your goals.

  • Positivity helps you recover from setbacks.

No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. When you fall off track, a positive attitude can help you pick yourself up and get back on track. Positivity provides hope and encouragement, which can help you dust yourself off and start again.

  • Positivity keeps you accountable.

Staying positive can also help keep you accountable. When you know that others are rooting for your success, you’re less likely to give up or slack off. You’ll be more likely to push yourself to reach your goals.


3.  Know your worth


As we’ve mentioned, negativity can affect your mental as well as physical health. A great way to stay mentally strong is to know your worth. It’s important to remind yourself that you are important and valuable and that others recognize that as well. This can be done in a variety of ways. You can journal and write in your own letter how proud you are of yourself and what you have accomplished. You can also use affirmations and affirm other people who have complimented you.


You can also use self-compassion exercises and have a “thank you” journal where you can write down any compliments you’ve been given and note what you’ve done to deserve them. Another way is to practice meditation and mindfulness exercises to centre your being and remind yourself that you matter over other people’s opinions.


Knowing your worth not only boosts mental stamina but also confidence. By accepting your flaws and loving your own imperfections, you strengthen your self-esteem and it makes you more powerful to get through another day.


4.  Have a support system


Being mentally strong and possessing great mental strength is important. However, it’s also vital to remember that it takes more than mental strength to become mentally strong.

It’s also important to remember that mental strength is not a one-time effort. Instead, it’s something that needs to be practised every day. And that’s why it’s important to have a support system.


By surrounding yourself with like-minded people, you'll be able to keep each other accountable and motivated when things get tough. Not only will this help you achieve your goals, but it can also be a lot of fun!


When you have a group of people rooting for you, it's a lot harder to give up. You'll make friends who share the same likes and passion as yours. Having friends and supportive family members will remain your number one barracks of safety.


Being mentally strong and possessing great mental strength is important, but it’s important to remember that it takes more than mental strength to become mentally strong. It’s also important to remember that mental strength is something that needs to be practised every day. And that’s why it’s important to have a support system. Having a support system means you can help one another grow and stay mentally strong. It also means that if one of you is having a particularly hard time, you can get help from others.



Staying focused on your fitness goals can be difficult, but it's not impossible. In fact, by using some of the techniques that we will discuss in this blog post, you can make staying focused a lot easier. Whether you are trying to lose weight, build muscle, or just get more active, these tips will help you stay on track and achieve your fitness goals!


#01: Make a Plan


When it comes to staying focused on your fitness goals, one of the best things you can do is make a plan. By having a plan in place, you know what you need to do and when you need to do it. 

There are a few different things to consider when creating your fitness plan. First, you need to figure out with yourself what your fitness goals are. What do you want to achieve? Once you have a goal in mind, you can start brainstorming how to make it happen. Come up with a timeline for your goal and make a list of the steps you need to take to reach it.

Creating a fitness plan can seem like a lot of work, but it’s worth it in the end. When you have a plan, you can focus on your goals and make progress towards them. And that’s what it’s all about – reaching your fitness goals and feeling good about yourself!

So don’t wait any longer – make a plan today and start focusing on your fitness goals. You can do it!


#02: Set Realistic Goals


I know I hyped you on the first tip. But when you're trying to get fit, it's important to set realistic goals for yourself. If your goals are too unrealistic, you'll quickly become discouraged and give up. Instead, set goals that are challenging but still achievable. That way, you can focus on reaching your goals and getting fit!

Setting fitness goals is important because it helps you stay focused and motivated. It is important to set realistic goals rather than setting yourself up for something that only leads to disappointment. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, aim to lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week. This way, you'll see results without feeling overwhelmed. 

Another example of a realistic goal would be to walk for 30 minutes five times per week. This goal is achievable and will help you get in better shape over time. When setting your goals, be sure to take into account your current fitness level and what you're capable of doing. Do not set  yourself up for failure by trying to do too much of your current capacity. Remember, gradual progress is the key to success!


#03: Find a Support Group


If you're looking for ways to stay focused on your fitness goals, finding a support group is a great option. By surrounding yourself with like-minded people, you'll be able to keep each other accountable and motivated when things get tough. Not only will this help you achieve your goals, but it can also be a lot of fun! Here

When you have a group of people rooting for you, it's a lot harder to give up on your fitness journey. You'll learn new techniques and strategies from other members. You'll make friends who share your passion for fitness. Having friends who are interested in fitness can make it a lot easier to stay motivated in the long run.


#04: Find a Role Model


Another great way to stay focused on your fitness goals is to find a role model, someone who has achieved the results that you are striving for and follow their lead. Learning from the testimonies of someone who has already accomplished what you are trying to do can be extremely helpful.


#05: Find a fitness coach


If you're looking for help getting focused on your fitness journey, finding a fitness coach is a great option. A good coach can help you set realistic goals and create a plan to achieve them, as well as provide support and motivation throughout your journey.

When looking for a coach, it's important to find someone who fits your personality and who has experience with the types of workouts you're interested in. You may also want to consider whether you would prefer a personal or group coaching session. Now you can tap Rita Trotter for this! She’s one of the best fitness coaches in the UK with bespoke and friendly programmes tailored to your fitness goals. 


#06: Set Time Limits


When it comes to staying focused on your fitness goals, it's important to set time limits. This will help avoid procrastination and keep you motivated throughout your journey. By setting time limits, you are forcing yourself to stay on track and reach your goals in a timely manner.

Sticking to a timeline is a great way to make sure you're making progress on your fitness goals. It can be easy to get side-tracked or lose motivation if you're not seeing results right away. But by setting time limits, you can ensure that you're making progress and reaching your goals step by step.

There's no need to feel overwhelmed by your goals - just take things one step at a time.


#07: Visualize Your Success


One of the best ways to stay focused on your fitness goals is to visualize your success. When you can see yourself reaching your goals, it becomes a lot easier to stay motivated and on track. Visualization is a great way to keep your mind focused on what you want to achieve.

Picture yourself at your goal weight or completing your next race. See yourself healthy and happy with all your achievements. By visualizing your success, you will be more likely to achieve it. So, start imagining today how great it will feel when you finally reach your goals!


#08: Stay Positive


When it comes to fitness, a positive attitude is key. Positivity can help you stay on track and reach your goals. Here are four ways that staying positive can help you reach your fitness goals:


  • Positivity boosts your energy and motivation.


If you’re feeling down about your progress or discouraged about your abilities, it can be tough to find the energy to keep going. But if you focus on the good things, on what you’ve accomplished and what you’re working towards, you’ll find yourself more motivated to push through when times get tough.


  • Positivity encourages healthy habits.


When you’re focused on the positives, you’re more likely to make healthy choices. You’ll be less likely to dwell on the junk food you ate last night or the fact that you skipped your workout, and more likely to make choices that will help you reach your goals.


  • Positivity helps you recover from setbacks.


No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. When you fall off track, a positive attitude can help you pick yourself up and get back on track. Positivity provides hope and encouragement, which can help you dust yourself off and start again.


  • Positivity keeps you accountable.


Staying positive can also help keep you accountable. When you know that others are rooting for your success, you’re less likely to give up or slack off. You’ll be more likely to push yourself to reach your goals.


#09: Reward Yourself


When you reach a milestone in your fitness journey, it's important to reward yourself. This will help keep you motivated and on track. A great way to do this is by using a rewards system that you have created specifically for your fitness goals.


#10: Don't Give Up!


The most important thing to remember when trying to stay focused on your fitness goals is not to give up! Quitting may seem like the easy option, but it's definitely not the best one. When you stick with it and don't give up, you will eventually reach your goals.

One of the best ways to stay focused on your fitness goals is to make a commitment to yourself. When you make a commitment, you are telling yourself that you are serious about reaching your goals and you will do whatever it takes to achieve them.


We hope that these tips will help you stay focused on your fitness goals and achieve the results you are looking for! Remember, it's not going to be easy, but it will be worth it in the end. So don't give up and keep pushing forward!