Did you know that your company's performance could be improved by improving employees' wellbeing? It's true! Many organisations are now starting to see the importance of employee wellbeing and are making changes to how work is organised to improve it.
Having a healthy and happy workforce is a key to any successful business - after all, they're the ones who are responsible for generating revenue and meeting goals. In this article, we'll discuss some of the ways that you can improve your business performance by improving your employees' health and wellbeing.
Sick employees reduce the productivity and overall efficiency of a business. Also, having sickly employees who miss work costs the company. In fact, it's been found that employers lose an average of £255 per employee per year due to missed days and lower productivity while ill. But it's not just about absenteeism or matters of productivity. Occupational hazards and non-compliance to quality assurance due to an employee not feeling but still going to work are things to watch out for!
On the other hand, healthy employees are more productive - they take less time off work, have fewer accidents on the job, and generally generate more revenue for the company than their unhealthy counterparts.
Remember that human resource is the most critical resource of a business. If you fail to put a foundation of healthy and productive employees, that yields a guaranteed negative effect on the performance of your business in the long run.
There are many ways to improve your employees' wellbeing to see these benefits come to fruition. Making small changes that support employees' health and wellbeing can significantly impact your company's success. By creating a culture of wellbeing at work and taking steps to improve employees' physical and mental health, you'll be well on your way to seeing improved productivity and profitability.
There are several ways to improve employee health, many of which don't involve spending a lot of money. Here are just a few:
- Create opportunities for physical activity:
Whether it's encouraging employees to take the stairs instead of taking a lift, setting up walking meetings or offering employee discounts at local gyms, there are several ways employers can encourage physical activity throughout their workday.
Establish and design workplace health and fitness programmes. Make it a priority by setting aside enough budget to implement these activities.
One way is by offering wellness programs such as health screenings, smoking cessation programmes, Zumba or yoga sessions during breaks or identified weekly schedule, or weight loss challenges. Encourage employees to participate in these programmes by letting them know the importance of staying fit as an individual, employees, and parents or breadwinners.
Encouraging employee exercise during lunch breaks or after hours will help them feel energised and more focused when returning to their desks.
- Offer employees access to healthy food options:
This doesn't mean you have to provide a full kitchen or subsidise their food bill, but having access to fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can make it easier for them to make healthy choices. You could also offer healthier vending options or incentives for choosing nutritious snacks over less healthy ones.
- Reward your team members:
Recognising employee achievements is not only good for morale; it also makes people feel valued and appreciated by their employer. You do not have to spend much money on rewards either and damage your cashflows – just make sure that you give them in front of others, so everyone gets recognition as well!
Incentives can be monetary (like bonuses) or non-monetary (such as additional time off). Still, whatever form they take, management must understand how these programmes work best for different individuals within an organisation. Hence, everyone feels valued when participating in them – not just those who already have good health habits! This could mean providing opportunities like employee gyms at discounted rates where people feel comfortable exercising during lunch hours, while others may prefer flexibility with their schedules so they can go home early after working out each day.
- Don't miss out on employee's mental health:
Mental health issues affect millions of people from around the globe each year. Yet, less than 50 percent of those suffering from these conditions receive treatment because many believe they cannot afford it or think it will be too expensive or because of the social taboos associated with mental illnesses.
Employee health affects more than just the individual. It also affects the business as a whole. When employees are stressed or struggling with their mental health, it shows in their work. They may be less productive or take more sick days. In some cases, they may even quit their job altogether.
Always remember that mental health is equally important as physical. It contributes to the motivation and mood of employees to work, which in turn significantly impacts productivity. Aim to reduce workplace stress by encouraging employees to take breaks. Set up lounges and relaxation stations for them to breathe and find peaceful space when work is overwhelming. Let them have the option for flexible working hours.
Another way businesses can help is by creating a positive work environment. This includes providing adequate resources such as desks, computers, printers, and office supplies. It also means having a good work/life balance policy in place. Employees should take time off when they need it without penalty.
Offer mental health benefits. Many employers realise the importance of employee mental health and provide access to affordable counselling services through employee assistance programs (EAPs). And lastly, find opportunities for communication, socialisation and celebration!
- Promote financial wellness:
This could mean offering workshops on budgeting or debt management, matching employee contributions to plans up to a certain percentage, or even providing information on how to plan for retirement.
Most of the day to day and long-term stress/anxiety comes from finances. Employees will appreciate this knowing that the management is responsive to improving their wellbeing beyond physical or mental health and considering all aspects of life that can impact happiness at work, including financial stability and social support networks, for example.
- Provide education around nutrition and exercise:
There is no magic bullet for improving employee health; however, there are many ways employers can help their team members make better choices. Educating your employees on the benefits of healthy eating habits and regular exercise is one way. Invite professionals to speak during seminars and forums about specific health issues and prevent them as early as possible.
- Offer health coaching services:
Employees struggling with diet or weight issues may benefit from working one-on-one with a trained professional who can give personalised recommendations tailored specifically for them.
This is where local coaches like Rita Trotter come in - they can help your employees develop and follow bespoke programmes to improve their health and wellbeing. So, if you're looking to give your team the best chance at success, consider investing in some coaching services!
- Encourage employees to take sick days when needed:
Instead of forcing themselves to go to work through illness just because it's essential (and sometimes even necessary) for projects to get completed on time, let them have paid sick leaves until they are fit enough to go back to work.
Find other means to keep operations running, such as delegating other tasks to other present employees. This could also mean having meetings over Skype rather than in person if possible, so you don't spread germs around the office! Employers should also ensure that there aren't any employee policies that encourage presenteeism – this is when people come into work even though they're not feeling well.
- Establish a committee for health and wellness
The wellness committee should work with management to identify health and wellness goals for the organisation.
This committee should develop programmes or initiatives that promote physical activity, healthy eating, stress management, and smoking cessation. This also includes providing education and resources on wellness topics and developing marketing materials to encourage wellness services offered by the organisation. In this way, the management can delegate the responsibility to this circle of people to do the planning and execution on their behalf.
Final note
Employers committed to creating a culture where employees feel valued as human beings rather than just another number have better retention rates because they're more likely to take pride in their jobs while also feeling supported by management when things get tough outside of work hours.
It's not a secret that happy employees lead to successful businesses. Show your team you care about them as individuals by taking an interest in their lives and wellbeing aside from pure work and business.
Creating a culture in the organisation where employees feel valued is essential for any business looking to make a positive, productive workplace. By following the suggested tips above, you'll be well on your way to building a team of engaged, healthy, and productive employees.
You want to lose weight. You want to get in shape. You want to be successful. But you don't know how to start. Or maybe you've started, but you can't seem to stick with it for more than a few days or weeks.
When it comes to improving our health and fitness, we all know that forming good habits is the key. But most of the time it can be tough to get started, or to keep on track. And that's where habit stacking comes in. Habit stacking is the process of linking together a series of related healthy habits into a single routine. This can make it easier to stick to your goals and can help you see better results overall.
In this blog post, we will discuss the basics of habit stacking and how you can use it to achieve your own health and fitness goals!
The basic idea behind Habit stacking is that your brain prunes away connections between brain neurons that don't get used and builds up connections that get used more frequently. Habit stacking is a special form of an implementation intention, which means you pair your new habit with a particular existing habit.
You have patterns and behaviors that have been strengthened over years, and by linking your new habits to a cycle that is already built into your brain, you're more likely to stick to them.
For example, if you want to start going to the gym regularly, try pairing it with another behaviour that's already ingrained in your routine- like stopping for lunch or your morning shower. Or if you’re used to reading a newspaper in the morning, decide to link that routine with eating a fruit of your choice while doing so.
Habit stacking was made popular by James Clear with his New York Time’s Bestselling book ‘The Atomic Habits’. He introduced a simple yet effective formula on how to habit stack:
After/While doing [current habit], I will [new habit].
Simple as that. It’s an effective formula to trick your brain to rewire existing habits with the new ones until it becomes part of your daily life without the need to push yourself to exhaustion or procrastination.
Here are some examples of habit stacking:
- While I brew coffee, I will do stretching or run in place
- While brushing teeth, I will walk around the bathroom
- After dropping my kids to school, I will take my dog for a run
- After tying my shoelace, I will do 10 seconds Warrior 1 pose
- I will put on my workout clothes after brushing my teeth in the morning
- I can do yoga, while watching my favorite Netflix show
In habit stacking, your old habits become your triggers to do the new ones. Your brain has the capacity to automatically tell you to do an action upon a perceived trigger formed overtime, just as how you wash your hands after going to the bathroom or putting on a seatbelt before you drive. So, when you practice habit stacking in the long run, it becomes automatic and not a chore.
Habit stacking is known to be effective as it only takes very little effort to complete and does not require much thought. The key here is consistency, so make sure to do it every day for about two weeks before adding on another task.
You’ll find yourself in the zone of doing both tasks with ease. Remember, it’s important to start small, and gradually add more tasks as you become more comfortable with the process. And don’t forget to have some fun in doing so! Choose habits that you know will make your life a little easier and more enjoyable. After all, if you don’t enjoy doing something, it’s going to be pretty tough to stick with it for the long haul.
Research shows that it takes around 21 days to develop a consistent action into a habit. So get your fitness booklet and start jotting down habits you would like to start stacking. Soon enough, you will have formed some powerful new healthy habits that will help support your success not just in fitness, but in all areas of life!
Health food supplements are one of the hottest selling products in the market these days. Their total consumption values billions of pounds in the U.K. alone. Recent surveys show that more than half of the adults in the U.S. and U.K. consume health food supplements in different forms, such as tablets, capsules, powders, soft gels, gel caps and liquids.
The increased consumption of health food supplements can be attributed to public awareness of health issues and improved standard of living in our society. Many studies have shown that there is a close correlation between health and nutrition. Insufficient supply of nutrients can weaken our body's defence mechanism, causing medical problems from common ailments to more severe illnesses in the long term.
There are different types of health food supplements, including macronutrients (amino acids, proteins, essential fatty acids), micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), enzymes (digestive enzymes and antioxidant enzymes), probiotics (beneficial bacteria in the gut), and herbal supplements. These supplements have unique functions in our body. They are either essential for life and good health, modulate our immune system or help with liver detoxification, digestion, mental clarity, etc.
Many people argue that there is no need to consume health food supplements as long as you have a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet. While this may be true, the fact is maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper diet is difficult to achieve by many people.
Over the past few decades, the green revolution has changed the farming practices over the world. We use more chemical fertilizers, more pesticides to grow the food produce in order to increase harvest and shorten the growth period. As a result, soil nutrients and the population of beneficial soil bacteria are depleted rapidly, and the produce we grow today contain less micronutrient than before.
A stressful lifestyle, improper eating habits, imbalanced diet and increased exposure to chemicals such as environmental pollutants (air, water) and pesticides, drugs, hormones, heavy metals in foods also weaken our body gradually.
Although health food supplements can be beneficial to our health, consumers should still choose the products carefully. Currently, there is little regulation on the quality of health food supplements. Composition of some health food products may not match the label claims and the quality of raw materials and finished products is not guaranteed. Therefore, consumers should only buy from reputable health food manufacturers, read the labels carefully and read more related literature.
Here are some general rules for buying health food supplements:
1) Supplements made from whole foods, natural sources are better than the synthetic ones. They are more bioactive, can be absorbed readily, and less likely to be contaminated by chemicals such as coal tars used in chemical synthesis.
2) Protein-bonded vitamins and minerals (vitamins and minerals in organic form, binding to amino acids) are more bioactive than the inorganic forms.
3) Buy supplements using safe extraction methods, such as cold pressed extraction or supercritical extraction. This can avoid the harmful residue from chemical extraction.
4) Herbal concentrate and extract are usually more effective than the raw herbs.
5) Organically grown or wild crafted herbs are less likely to be contaminated by heavy metals, pesticides and other chemicals.
6) Read the labels, do not consume more than the recommended dose.
7) Be careful when consuming certain herbal supplements, such as Ma Huang / ephedra, Kava Kava, comfrey, etc. Some studies have shown that these herbs may cause severe side effects to some people. Stop use if unusual signs appear after consumption.
8) Some health food supplements may interact with drugs, either by decreasing or increasing their effects. Consult your doctor if you are currently taking medications.
9) Pregnant and nursing women, people with specific medical conditions such consult the doctors when consuming health food supplements.
10) If in doubt, contact the supplement manufacturers or distributors for more information of their products.
11) Health food supplements are available in many places, such as food shops, health food stores, pharmacies, supermarkets, department stores, online stores, etc. Be a smart consumer, compare the price and service before purchase.
Rita, The Coach x
Would it not be great if you could just pop a pill and remember everything for an exam? Realistically, there are no supplements that can boost your brain power to such astounding levels. But, studies have shown that regular intake of certain supplements increases the ability to memorize. There are many herbs, supplements and foods that can improve your brain; the effect of which can mean improvement of memory, learning, concentration, attention, reasoning, social skills, decision making, and focus. If you can combine these ‘brain foods’ with sufficient rest and exercise, you will have boosted your brainpower in no time.
The brain requires a variety of nutrients to produce neurotransmitters – these are substances that control mood, behaviour, and mind. Studies have proved beyond doubt that nutritional supplements increase IQ and enhance learning ability. ‘Smart nutrients’ (cognitive enhancing supplements) are natural substances that improve human intelligence.
Ginkgo Biloba:
This substance has been used for thousands of years in Eastern cultures and is perhaps the most well-known of all memory enhancing herbs. It works by diluting the blood vessels in the brain and enhancing blood flow to the brain; thus supplying lots of oxygen to the brain. It also gets rid of harmful free radicals that damage brain cells. However, the results are not immediate. Taking the supplement continuously for a few weeks will start yielding results.
Green Tea and Black Tea:
Recent research has shown that these common constituents of the kitchen are very effective in combating the dreaded Alzheimer’s disease. The most significant result seems to be that these prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine. This is a key chemical involved with memory and is lacking in Alzheimer’s patients. The effect of green tea is more lasting than that of black tea, which lasts only for a day.
Sage and Rosemary:
A recent study shows that students who took sage performed better at a memory recall test. Scientists believe that sage contains substances that may increase levels of a chemical that transmits messages to the brain. Rosemary also helps stimulate the memory and alleviate mental fatigue. It also strengthens mental clarity. How exactly these substances help the brain remains ambiguous.
Vitamin B Supplements:
A healthy diet should provide you with all the vitamins that are needed by the body. But at times of stress and fatigue, the body gets depleted of Vitamin B. This deficiency prevents the functioning of acetylcholine. Vitamin B also helps carry oxygen to the brain and this does away with harmful free radicals. Some natural foods like liver, eggs, soybeans, lentils, and green beans are rich in Vitamin B. Vitamin B Supplements also help to boost the level of these vital vitamins in the body.
Iron deficiency:
The most common deficiency in most parts of the world is linked to iron deficiency. Poor concentration, diminished intelligence, and a short attention span are all attributed to iron deficiency. Iron helps carry oxygen to the blood and its deficiency leaves the brain sadly lacking in oxygen. Iron deficiency can be detected by a simple blood test. Iron-rich food like lean meat, beans, iron-fortified cereals, and iron supplements help raise the levels of iron. But absorption of iron becomes possible only in the presence of vitamin C. Garnishing iron-rich food with lime juice is one of the most effective and natural ways to ingest
Vitamin C with iron.
Water is an often overlooked but important necessity of the brain. The brain is 70% water, and a dehydrated brain works at a slower pace. Therefore it is necessary to keep the brain hydrated with plenty of water.
The Coach xx
Belly fat is not just unsightly and uncomfortable, it’s also super dangerous for your health. Lose belly fat in just 30 days with our cracking core workouts.
One of the main issues I see most frequently, especially with my female clients, is belly fat. It’s simply one of those things that happens when we don’t stay on top of our exercise and diet.
Unfortunately, the belly is one of the most difficult areas to lose excess fat from, but it is also one of the most dangerous types of fat to have, so it’s vital we get rid of it and keep it off.
In this article, I’ll guide you through some of the most effective core workouts to help you lose your belly fat in just 30 days.
What’s the Skinny on Belly Fat?
There are a few reasons belly fat forms. It can be due to a lack of exercise or poor nutrition, and it can also be contributed to by stress hormones.
There are two types of belly fat:
- Visceral
- Subcutaneous
Visceral fat is the really dangerous type of belly fat and this surrounds your organs. Subcutaneous fat is the type of the fat that lies just underneath the skin, and while it is not necessarily dangerous to your health, it adds to the bulge most people want to get rid of.
Visceral belly fat can lead to a wide range of health complications, and as you look at the following list, you will start to understand why it is so important not to carry weight in this area.
- Cardiovascular disease
- Hypertension
- Strokes
- Asthma
- Type 2 diabetes
- Breast cancer
- Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia
- Colon cancer
I’m big on holistic approaches to problems and, as such, before we get into workouts, I’d like to provide you with some information on how you can use good nutrition to prepare your body to lose this belly fat.
By practicing nutrition that is known to help eliminate belly fat and combining that with the core muscle workouts I’ll explain a little later, you can slash that belly fat in just 30 days.
Reduce Your Belly Fat With These 5 Good Nutrition Tips
There are a few small changes you can make in your diet that will make all the difference in reducing belly fat. These include:
Add Soluble Fiber
Soluble fiber combines with water to form a gel-like substance in your body that slows down the movement of food through the body. This not only helps you to feel fuller for longer, meaning you eat less, but it also helps to reduce the number of calories you absorb from food. All of these benefits combine to help you fight and reduce belly fat.
Sources of soluble fiber you should be including in your diet include avocados, blackberries, legumes, Brussel sprouts, shirataki noodles, and flax seeds.
Reduce Trans Fats
Trans fats are created in the food processing industry when hydrogen is pumped into unsaturated fats. These fats are found most predominantly in some margarines and packaged foods. As the health dangers of trans fats have come to light, more food producers have stopped using them in their products, but you will still find them in your grocery store.
Trans fats have been linked to high levels of inflammation in the body, increased belly fat, insulin resistance, and heart disease. To avoid foods that contain trans fats, try to stay away from processed foods and also read labels carefully. Trans fats are often referred to as “partially hydrogenated fats” on food labels.
Limit Your Alcohol Intake
Yes, I’m about to mess with your wine. Please forgive me, it really is in your best interests, but I do want to point out that some forms of alcohol, like red wine, in small amounts can actually have some health benefits.
Like anything, though, when we err into excess, that’s where the trouble comes in. Prolonged and sometimes even common occasional overuse of alcohol can have serious health effects.
Excessive alcohol use has been shown to be directly linked to the development of belly fat. Now there’s no need for you to stop completely, unless you want to, but you do want to limit your daily consumption of alcohol. Preferably, you want to limit your intake to one unit per day for women and two units per day for men.
If you’re wondering if you can save all your unit allocations for one day and still get the same effect, the answer is no. In the case of alcohol, it is about how much your body can properly process in 24 hours without putting undue stress on it. So, if you overwhelm it with a week’s worth of alcohol units in one day, you are definitely going to see negative health effects.
Eat a High-Protein Diet
When you are aiming to burn fat, it is vital to ensure you are eating a high-protein diet. This is because protein makes you feel fuller for longer. Protein also increases your metabolic rate and helps you to retain muscle mass while simultaneously losing weight.
This is exactly what we want to achieve in this process. We want to reduce fat while maintaining (or increasing) muscle mass. Some of the best sources of protein include eggs, fish, meat, dairy, beans, and whey protein.
Reduce Your Sugar Intake
I think we all know by now that sugar is the enemy of fat burning of any kind. Sugar, or rather its main component, fructose, is also seriously bad for your health in many different respects. Excessive fructose intake has been linked to fatty liver disease, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
It’s been drilled into us that we should be avoiding refined sugars, but really even too much natural sugar can lead to the build-up of belly fat if consumed in excessive amounts.
With the rise in popularity of smoothies, sugar intake has also increased dramatically because people chuck seven fruits into a blender and think they are doing their body a favor.
Don’t get me wrong, I am a huge fan of smoothies and the powerful impact they can have in introducing nutrient-dense foods to our diets, but you do need to be really aware of what you are putting into them.
An overload of fructose that your body can’t burn off can be just as damaging as too much refined sugar, so keep an eye on your fruit intake.
Fruits that are low in fructose include:
- Strawberries
- Blackberries
- Avocados
- Honeydew melon
- Limes
- Lemon
- Grapefruit
Core Workouts to Flatten Your Belly Fat in 30 Days
The key here is to combine fast and slow exercises to maximum effect. Slow exercise builds muscle and fast exercise sheds fat.
What Are Core Workouts?
Core exercises work the muscles in your lower back, pelvis, abdomen, and hips so they operate as a strong unit. This results in better stability and balance, and, of course, gives us that flat, toned tummy we all want.
Core Workout #1: Dumbbell Squats
Dumbbell squats target:
- Core muscles
- Thighs
- Hamstrings
- Glutes
Here are the instructions for how to do dumbbell squats:
- Hold a dumbbell at chest level. Keeping your forearms parallel to each other and your feet a shoulder-width distance apart, balance your body weight through your heels.
- Now descend into a squat position, keeping your back straight and your chest upright. When you are at the bottom point of the squat, push your weight through your heels and move back up to the starting position.
- Repeat 10 reps of dumbbell squats for three sets.
Core Workout #2: Dumbbell Row
Dumbbell rowing exercises target:
- Back
- Arms
- Shoulders
Follow these steps to do a dumbbell row:
- Using two dumbbells of moderate weight, position the palms of your hands so they face your body during the exercise.
- Bend your knees slightly, and push your butt backward against the wall. This motion will bring your chest forward as you begin to bend at the waist. Ensure you maintain a straight back in this position. Allow the dumbbells to hang directly in front of you, with your arms remaining perpendicular to the floor.
- As you do this, be sure to squeeze your ab and core muscles so you maintain a straight posture and pull the dumbbells inward to your side. Your elbows should remain close to your body. Once you have reached the top position, squeeze your back muscles and slowly lower the weight back to the floor.
- Repeat three sets of 10 reps of dumbbell rows.
Core Workout #3: Cardio
Ideally, you want to be engaging in at least 75 minutes of vigorous cardio exercises per week. Vigorous intensity exercise means your heart rate increases significantly and, due to the quickening of your breath, you aren’t able to have a conversation. Examples of vigorous intensity cardio would include swimming laps, running, speed skating or jumping rope.
Core Workout #4: HIIT
Slogging it out on cardio for long periods really can get a bit dull, so I always recommend interval training to my clients for fat burning purposes. I’ve already published an entire article on fat-burning HIIT exercises if this is something you would like to include in your month of belly-busting routines.
Core Workout #5: Jog It Off
I love this exercise for its pure simplicity and the fact that you can do it anywhere. All you need is access to a flight of stairs, then jog (don’t walk) up and down, repeating this six times.
While jogging up and down the stairs, you really want to focus on using your core muscles to lift you as much as possible, and get that heart rate up!
Core Workout #6: The Hula
Remember how much fun hula-hooping was as a kid? Well, the good news is that it’s not just a kid’s activity and it is also excellent for losing belly fat.
Hula-hooping works your abs, glutes, and your oblique muscles. You can use an ordinary hula-hoop from a kid’s toy store or you can level up with a weighted version from a gym supplies store. The choice is yours, but I highly recommend you get hooping.
Core Workout #7: Rock Climbing
Gone are the days when rock climbing was just for mountaineering enthusiasts. Today, almost every gym has a rock climbing wall and an hour on the wall is a core workout like no other.
You may think you know how to climb a rock wall, but experts will tell you that you really don’t. While your instinct may be to face the wall and allow part of your torso and buttocks to stick out, that is actually not the best way to maintain your center of gravity.
Ideally, rock climbing experts will teach you to hold yourself flat against the wall and engage your side ab muscles. You will then climb and swing using your fingertips rather than by grasping with your entire hand. This is going to result in very tender forearms, but you will be working that belly and many other muscles at the same time.
Core Workout #8: Planking
While planking is relatively new on the fitness scene, it has taken the world by storm because of how it engages your core muscles in a really simple exercise. Again, this one can be done almost anywhere and it’s also scalable as you get stronger, so you can start with 10 to 15 seconds and work your way up from there.
The idea behind planking is to hold your body in position as flat as...well...a plank! Start by lying flat on the floor, then lift yourself off the ground with your forearms.
Your forearms and upper arms should be bent into an L-shape with your forearms on the floor. Then lift your legs by pushing up from your toes until your body is as straight as you can get it. Next, simply hold that position for as long as you can, move back down to the floor into rest mode, and repeat.
To ensure you last as long as possible in the plank position, remember to breathe. You don’t want to be holding your breath while you’re planking, or it’s not going to come naturally.
Core Workout #9: Heel Taps
Heel taps are awesome for working those abdominal muscles.
- Lie on your back with your hands under your bum.
- Bend your knees and feet as though you have them propped up on a table.
- Now, slowly lower one foot while it’s bent forward until the heel just touches the ground. Repeat with the other foot.
- When lifting your foot back up, tighten your abdominal muscles.
- Repeat 3 sets of 20 reps.
Core Workout #10: Fat Slicing Scissors
When performing this exercise, you really want to be sure not to force your neck into an unnatural position and always make sure it’s supported. You don’t want to end up with a flat belly and neck pain!
- Lie on your back on the floor and place your hands behind your head.
- Raise your shoulders and head slightly from the ground while supporting your head with your hands.
- Now, raise your legs off the ground. Alternately keep one leg just off the floor and then raise the other up. Then start to make scissor-like motions with your legs.
- Keep your feet pointed toward the sky while you make this motion and focus on using your abdominal muscles to move your legs.
- Repeat 15 times for each leg in 3 sets.
It’s a Wrap
Using the 10 exercises I’ve suggested here, set a routine for yourself for the next 30 days. Doing the same exercise over and over can be really boring, so I definitely recommend changing it up and trying as many different workout options as possible.
Belly fat can be embarrassing and difficult to get rid of, but most importantly, it can be really dangerous to your health. If you’re just starting your fitness journey, I would definitely say that this should be your first focus point.
By starting with a belly fat reduction routine, you will make the biggest impact on your overall health in the shortest period of time. It is not always the number on the scale that matters; what does matter is reducing your risk factors so you can live a long and healthy life.
With the nutritional advice and workout routines offered here, you will be slashing the belly fat in just 30 days!
Check out this awesome video
The Coach xx
For decades, the concept of managing and limiting carb intake to maximize energy, develop muscle, and burn fat has sparked fitness enthusiasts' attention. Carb cycling is a technique that can be used for a variety of reasons, including improving physical fitness and losing weight.
Knowing the nutrition science used in carb cycling, commitment to a personalized meal plan specific to the individual and health objectives, and knowledge that this diet plan isn't perfect for everybody are all needed to achieve the best results.
Common misconceptions:
In recent decades, much has been written about the dangers of consuming so many carbohydrates. Although carbohydrate overconsumption can lead to weight gain as well as other health problems, carbohydrates consumed in moderation aren't a bad thing.
The human diet is made up of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Carbohydrates, which are something the body breaks down into glucose, are a significant source of nutrition and energy, particularly as a fuel for movement. This is why professional athletes speak of "carbo-loading," power packs and other similar products exist, and also carb cycling is common in athletes and bodybuilders.
The philosophy of restricted diets like Atkins or the Whole 30 also confuses people about the importance of carbs in weight loss. Although modifying carbohydrate consumption can have some benefits, completely removing carbohydrates can do more damage than good.
Carb cycling concepts will help you improve your fitness while also encouraging you to live an active lifestyle. However, since carbohydrates are the body's key source of nutrition and energy in the form of glycogen storage, low consumption may result in a decrease in energy, stamina, and power.
Extreme weight loss correlated with carb cycling and other activities, on the other hand, is not necessarily synonymous with improved health since the weight loss may be due to the depletion of glycogen reserves, which are made up of water and carbohydrates as well as body mass index, or muscle.
What is carb cycling?
Carb cycling is a multi-level diet technique that involves alternating high and low carbohydrate consumption. According to several nutritionists, it involves strict obedience and can only be used for brief periods.
One of the purposes of carb cycling is to push the body to burn fat rather than glycogen which is a source of energy (a form of stored carbohydrate). When you work out on a low-carb day, the ability to burn body fat for food increases until your glycogen reserves are exhausted.
This cycling, though, does not result in improved performance. Furthermore, carb cycling may not fulfil your dietary requirements based on the kind of sport you compete in. A marathon runner, for example, would certainly fuel up for a race differently than a sprinter.
Before you start carb cycling, find out how much basic carbohydrates your body requires, which you can find out by considering the below factors:
- Your height, age, and weight
- Basal metabolic rate (BMR)
- Level of activity
- Breakdown of macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) daily
High, medium, and low carb days are popular carb cycling plans. Athletes should consume a high- and medium-carb diet during exercising and a low-carb diet while relaxing. The below are few basic guidelines:
- Reduce baseline consumption by 15–20 percent on high-carb and medium-carb days.
- Reduce by another 20–25 percent on medium- to low-carb days.
Since carb cycling isn't advised for long-term weight loss, you should use it only once you've exhausted from other, more natural eating options.
How does it work?
The diet promotes weight reduction by shifting carbohydrate consumption ratios during the week and placing the body in a calorie deficit on low-carb days. Carb cycling's main aim is to make the most of food carbohydrates and accumulated glycogen. There are mainly two carb cycling plans.
1. Large re-feeds
When you adopt a low-carb diet schedule for seven to fourteen days in a row, big "re-feeds" of carbs are used infrequently. And you'll pick one day to eat slightly more carbohydrates and increase your workout.
"Re-feeds" are used to take a break from the low-carb diet. Going without carbs for extended periods forces the body to transition to using a certain energy source (stored body fat). When carbs are lost, the body switches to fat as a source of energy.
2. Moderate re-feeds
You will add one day of high carb feeding every 2 to 3 days during the low carb period by using regular mild re-feeds. Some people switch days of high and low carbohydrate intake.
When carb cycling, how much carbs do I consume?
Start with 1-1.5 grams of carbs per pound of bodyweight to decide how many carbs you can consume on your maximum day on the plan. Start with 1.5 gram and change as needed based on your performance.
Some tinkering will almost certainly be required, as some of us are more "carb sensitive" than the others. The amount of carbs you need depends on your activity level, training speed, size, and even gender, but a limit of 200 g per day is a decent starting point.
Example of a Carb Cycling Plan
Using 200 grams of carbohydrates as the highest amount on a high carb day, here's an overview of doing the 5-day carb-cycling plan.
- 150 gram on the first day
- 100 gram on day 2
- 50 gram on the third day
- 125 gram on day 4
- 200 gram on day 5
For the first three days, you'll reduce your carb intake by 50 grams, then increase it by 75 grams for the next two days. To cover up for the calories missed on reduced carb days or rest days, some people tend to increase their consumption of healthier fats. That's great, but since fat is a high-calorie macronutrient, it can disrupt weight loss.
You'll burn enough fat as energy on low-carb days if you wouldn't raise your carbohydrate intake, particularly if you're working hard, doing cardio exercises, and dieting.
Hit to a Plateau
You'll most likely hit a fat-burning plateau at some point and will need to switch it up. When this occurs, have three to four high-carb days in a row, or indulge in a cheat meal once in a while. This will rev up your metabolism, allowing you to continue fat burning.
Going carb-free for three days is yet another way to restart the weight loss. Fibrous veggies must only be considered at this period since no carbs should be consumed during these three zero carb days
Efficacy of carb cycling
According to research, a well-designed carb cycling regimen followed over a brief period will help athletes compete better and lose weight.
Carb cycling is a common method for breaking through weight loss plateaus. It's also a strategy used by bodybuilders and competitors to achieve an edge in competition.
Low-carb days aim to improve insulin sensitivity and thus encourage body fat utilization. Insulin is a hormone that aids in the digestion of carbohydrates.
High-carb days are used to increase metabolism, recharge muscles, improve athletic efficiency, and improve appetite-controlling hormones like leptin and ghrelin. Leptin tells our brain when we're full after feeding, while ghrelin tells us when we're hungry.
Carb cycling, like all eating strategies, has to be evaluated and adjusted regularly to ensure that it is still delivering the desired health benefits. It's best to work with a doctor or a nutritionist to develop a customized strategy.
Some people want to add "cheat" meals into a rather low-carb diet schedule as a means of carb cycling. Cheat meals, while not as specific as conventional carb cycling, will help increase leptin levels and rev up the metabolism while still serving as a motivating incentive for sticking to a more restricted diet on other days.
Find out if Carb cycling good for you or not?
Carb spinning, when done correctly and over brief periods, may be beneficial to the majority of people. For certain people, like those with diabetes and heart disease, some with eating problems, or pregnant or nursing mothers, this is not a balanced diet. Discussing to your doctor about changing your carbohydrate intake if you have diabetes. They might provide important healthy benefits
However, if you're on diabetes medicine, you should be cautious about any drastic changes to your carbohydrate consumption (like insulin). Furthermore, some people suffer adverse side effects on low carb days, such as nausea, hunger pangs, cramping, irritability, stomach pain, and sleep problems.
The plan may not be the right method to improve daily healthier eating habits or fit with people who want balance because it needs rigid commitment. Carb cycling, on the other hand, appeals to some people because it may feel like a happy medium between low and high carb diets, allowing for daily high carb meals while also reaping the rewards of low carb feeding.
Weight loss by carb cycling
If calorie management, discipline, and the recommended diet schedule are practiced, cycling your carb intake can be a perfect way to burn fat and body weight. The carb cycling regimen is likely to encourage weight loss because it also requires a calorie deficiency (as most people are far less likely to overeat fats and proteins).
Furthermore, there is a strong correlation between carbohydrate consumption and blood insulin levels. Fat accumulation is more possible as insulin levels in the blood stay high.
Good eating should be the cornerstone of the meal schedule, as it should be for every weight-loss approach. Carb cycling should never be used as an excuse to gorge or limit your diet excessively.
The rigorous monitoring that a program like a carb cycling requires can also lead to disordered eating habits. Check in on yourself daily to see if your new food habits are doing you well.
Carb cycling and athletic performance
For marathon runners and athletes, carb cycling is a common diet technique. Physique athletes rely on low-carb or no-carb days during their performance preparation.
Since glycogen contains a significant percentage of water, adjusting carbohydrate consumption will alter the appearance of muscles on stage by causing transient water loss. More carbs can help you build muscle by creating an energy surplus.
Carb cycling is a technique used by certain athletes to maximize muscle gain while minimizing fat gain during exercise. This necessitates sticking to daily diets that are calculated based on energy intake and body composition.
Protein consumption would be higher (around 30–35 percent of daily caloric intake) for these athletes during carb cycling for muscle development. Carbohydrates should provide for 10–15 percent of total consumption during the low period, which should mostly come from fresh vegetables. They also combine high-carb days with hard workout days to provide more steam, aid muscle regeneration, and provide vital nutrients.
Benefits of carb cycling on health.
While more research is required, many people believe that carb cycling has the following advantages:
- Low carb stages can help you lose weight by suppressing your appetite and making it easier to lose weight.
- Low carb days are said to cause the body to use body fat as a source of energy during exercise.
- High-carb days replenish muscle glycogen and provide the body with vital nutrients.
- Carbohydrate-rich days supply fast energy for strenuous workouts.
Low carb days avoid blood sugar rises and lows by regulating insulin and other hormones. High-carb days have adequate insulin to maintain muscle tissue while also improving thyroid hormones, leptin levels, and testosterone levels
Rotating low carb days and high carb refeeds may seem less restricting and more manageable than consuming low carb all of the time.
Everybody a bubble butt! We’ve got booty-building workouts that will give you the bubble butt of your dreams.
In recent years, body shaping has become all about the butt! Gone are the days when plank-flat bums were the thing to have. As we start to embrace the female form in all its glory, everyone wants a bubble butt!
There are so many myths around the type of people that can and can’t have bubble butts. Some say you’re either born with it or you’re not. Really, that’s just not true.
While, depending on your build, your butt will always only shape to your own natural stature, you definitely don’t have to live with plank-butt for the rest of your life just because you were born with one!
Build That Booty
In the fitness industry, when we talk about butt building, we refer specifically to a set of muscles called the glutes.
The glutes are the largest group of muscles in the body. They also play a really important role in more than just how good we look in a pair of jeans. Glutes help us move and they stabilize your body so you can remain upright.
This group of muscles is made of three primary muscles and six secondary muscles, all of which work together to support functional movement. One of those three primary muscles is what gives our booty its shape—the gluteus maximus.
Booty Gains and Fat Losses
So, now that you know the shape of your butt is actually determined by muscles, I’m sure it’s going to be no surprise to you that to get the bubble butt of your dreams, you’re going to have to use some weights in your training. Weight training builds and shapes muscles.
This process is really similar to what you see happening with your biceps when you focus weight training on your arms. Notice how your bicep muscles grow and shape in a rounded form? Well, that’s what we want to achieve with our glute muscles too.
The great thing about glute training is that it doesn’t just help to grow muscles. The exercises I’m going to be recommending here are also phenomenal at burning calories, so not only are you shaping those glutes, but you are reducing the jiggle by burning fat. Of course, we want a shapely butt, but uber-jiggle is not exactly the ideal.
The Importance of Warm-Ups
I cannot overstate the importance of warm-ups, especially when you are going to be doing weight or muscle training. The easiest way to take yourself out of the game for a long time is to work your muscles hard when they’re cold.
How you choose to warm up is totally up to you, but it should be some form of slow- to moderately-paced exercise that gets your heart rate up and blood pumping to your muscles at a faster rate than when you are in a sedentary state.
About 5 to 10 minutes of brisk walking, bike riding, or rope jumping is perfect to warm up and get ready for your butt-boosting regimen.
Booty-Boosting Workouts
I’ve put together five different exercises you can do that are proven to work those glutes. Keep in mind that in many glute exercises, you can use your own body weight to build that butt; you don’t necessarily need to use actual exercise weights. That means you can really do these exercises anywhere and you don’t have to wait for butt-day at the gym.
Sexy Squats
If you add only one booty builder to your routine, it had better be the humble squat. Squats also help improve your flexibility and work your cardio system.
I recommend starting your exercise routine with squats because it really helps to get your whole body working. It’s sort of a next-level warm-up activity. Try to work toward 25 squats per repetition (rep). Eventually, your end goal should be four reps of 25 squats each, but if you’re just starting out, definitely work your way up there.
As you descend into the squat position, squeeze the glute muscles so they really start working. The key here is to focus on your form and not speed or anything else. When doing exercises like this, form is everything, because it’s the only way to make sure you are really working those muscles.
Quad-Less Lunges
One of the things I hear a lot from my clients is that they put up with plank-flat butts because they’re scared of developing enormous quad muscles as a result of glute exercises.
Honestly, if you’re not a bodybuilder, this could be a valid concern. Yes, we want the bubble butt, but we don’t want to look like we could kick start a Boeing, right?
Well, thankfully, I’m happy to share with you the secret I give all my clients. You can build great glutes and not simultaneously develop enormous quads. You just have to know how.
The key is making your exercises high and wide. So, no matter what exercise you’re working on, if it’s glute-related, take an extra wide or extra high step to avoid placing your body weight on your quads.
When doing lunges, for instance, which are great for glutes, take an extra wide step to avoid working your lower legs. You can also change your lunges up by creating an elevated platform and lunging by stepping down instead of horizontally. This will help to increase your range of motion as well as work so many more aspects of your glutes.
Build a Bridge, and Glute Over It
Let’s face it, we all spend a lot of time sitting down. We sit for work, while we’re driving, and even when we are enjoying leisure time for the most part. As a result, our glute
muscles are pretty weak and this results in us overusing our other muscles when we exercise or just generally exert ourselves on a daily basis.
So, working on building our glutes is not just for superficial purposes; it really can make us stronger and help to avoid injury in other muscles. One of the easiest ways to do this is by using a glute bridge.
Sit flat on the ground with your upper back supported by a bench. Your knees should be bent and your feet should be flat on the ground. Then, start to raise your pelvis off the floor by squeezing your glutes until your pelvis is in line with your hips, knees, and shoulders.
You should only be using your glutes to lift your pelvis off the floor and no other muscles. It definitely takes some practice, but with focus and repetition, you will get it right.
As you get better at this exercise, you can also use weights placed on your hips to increase the resistance.
Saucy Single-Leg Squats
As I mentioned earlier in the article, our glute muscles are used to help keep us upright and maintain balance, so exercises that purposefully put us off balance are a great way to work those glutes.
Single-leg squats are one such exercise and the key here is focusing on your balance and form rather than trying to do more of the squats. Single-leg squats are pretty challenging, and if you need to do these in front of a wall and just barely touch it with your fingertips for balance at first, that’s totally fine.
This is one of those exercises where practice makes perfect, and it will take some time for you to get it right. Essentially, you want to pick a leg (alternate, of course) and tuck it up as far as possible, then squat down as far as possible on the leg you are working. Focus on using your glutes to complete the motion and not your leg muscles.
Shifting Split Squats
Glute exercises are best done using your own body weight, and in this glute exercise, you’ll use your body weight to the greatest effect. When performing these squats, you’ll want to distribute your weight normally on the descent. So, you are allowing your body weight to rest on the full plane of your feet—toes, ball, and heel.
The shift and split comes when you ascend. On the ascent, you’ll shift your body weight to your heel only. This does two things:
- It increases the amount of weight, and therefore, the amount of work, that your glutes need to do to achieve the ascent.
- It puts you off balance so your glutes have to work harder to keep you upright and achieve your ascent.
Bubble butt incoming!
It’s a Wrap
We all have to work with what we’re given and not all of us are born with bootylicious bums, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have one.
We also need to be realistic and understand that our bodies are different, so your bubble butt may not look like someone else’s, and that’s okay. You’re aiming for curves, and just because your end result is not exactly Kardashian-esque, that doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong.
The key to a great bubble butt is burning fat and building the right muscles. Check out our article on how to burn fat in just 30 minutes and be sure to combine the exercises I’ve suggested here with some of those to achieve the bubble butt of your dreams.
Check out this great video
The Coach xx
Everybody has a preferred face cream or drug, but healthy skin begins from the inside out. Older cells are continually shed and replaced with new ones, so a steady flow of essential nutrients is needed to keep this fast growth going. If you eat the right ingredients, you'll give your skin the vitamins it needs to remain soft, luscious, and free of blemishes.
Regardless of how hard we work to avoid it, our skin does age over time. Overexposure to the heat and tanning beds, heavy soaps, additives, and inadequate diet will all hasten the appearance of wrinkles and age patches of skin. With this insight, it's best to take a holistic view. Eat antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables, good fats from fatty fish and nuts, and a diverse and balanced diet to care for your skin and enhance your nutrition. This should include optimum amounts of nutrients like beta carotene, zinc, selenium, vitamins C and E, which are all essential for glowing skin.
1. Fatty fish
Salmon, herring, and mackerel are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for the skin. They're high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for keeping skin healthy.Omega-3 fatty acids are important for maintaining healthy skin that is thick, supple, and moisturized. In reality, a lack of omega-3 fatty acids will lead to dry skin. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which help to relieve inflammation, which can exacerbate redness and acne. They will also make your skin less vulnerable to UV rays from the sun.
Fish oil supplements have been shown in some trials to assist with autoimmune skin disorders including psoriasis and lupus.
Vitamin E, one of the most essential antioxidants for your health, is contained in fatty fish. Getting enough vitamin E is critical for protecting your skin from free radical damage and inflammation.
This kind of seafood is also a good source of high-quality protein, which your skin needs to stay strong and healthy. Finally, fish contains zinc, which is essential for the regulation of the following:
- the inflammatory process
- skin wellbeing in general
- the development of new skin cells
Body infection, lesions, and slow wound healing are all symptoms of zinc deficiency.
2. Avocados
Avocados have a lot of good fats. Many functions of your body, including the health of your skin, are aided by these fats. It's important to consume enough of these fats to keep skin flexible and moisturized. A large study involving over 700 women discovered that a high total fat intake — especially the types of safe fats present in avocados — was linked to supple, springy skin.
Avocados also contain compounds that can help shield the skin from sun damage, according to preliminary data. Wrinkles and other symptoms of aging can be caused by UV damage to the skin. Avocados are also high in vitamin E, an essential antioxidant that helps shield the skin from oxidative stress. The majority of Americans are deficient in vitamin E.
Vitamin E, it turns out, is more powerful when mixed with vitamin C.
Vitamin C is also essential for good skin. Your skin needs to produce collagen, which is the major basic protein that keeps it firm and stable.
Vitamin C deficiency is uncommon these days, but it can cause brittle, rough, and cracked skin that bruises easily.
Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects the skin against oxidative damage induced by the sun and the atmosphere, which can trigger aging signs. Vitamin E is 14 percent of the Daily Value (DV) and vitamin C is 11 percent of the DV in a 100-gram serving, or around 1/2 an avocado.
3. Walnuts
Walnuts have several qualities that make them an ideal food for maintaining skin health. They're a decent source of essential fatty acids, that your body can't produce on its own. In particular, they contain more omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids than most other nuts.
Inflammation, like inflammatory skin disorders including psoriasis, can be exacerbated by a diet rich in omega-6 fats. Omega-3 fats, on the other hand, decrease inflammation in the body, including your scalp.
Omega-6 fatty acids are abundant in the Western diet, but omega-3 fatty acid supplies are scarce. Walnuts can help combat the inflammatory reaction to excessive omega-6 because they include a nice balance of these fatty acids.
Walnuts also provide additional nutrients that your skin requires to work correctly and remain healthy. Walnuts contain 8% of the daily value for zinc in one ounce (28 grams).
Zinc is required for your skin's barrier mechanism to work properly. It's also used for wound healing and bacterial and inflammatory eradication.
Walnuts are also high in the antioxidants vitamin E and selenium, as well as 4–5 grams of protein per ounce (28 grams).
4. Sunflower seeds
Nuts and seeds, in particular, are healthy sources of skin-boosting ingredients. Sunflower seeds are a great example of this. Sunflower seeds contain 49 percent of the daily value for vitamin E, 41 percent of the daily value for selenium, 14 percent of the daily value for zinc, and 5.5 grams of protein per ounce (28 grams).
5. Sweet potatoes
Plants contain beta carotene, which is a fertilizer. It works as a provitamin A, meaning it can be processed into vitamin A in the body. Oranges and vegetables including carrots, spinach, and sweet potatoes contain beta carotene.
Sweet potatoes are an outstanding source of beta carotene, with one 1/2-cup (100-gram) serving to provide more than six times the daily value of vitamin A. Beta carotene and other carotenoids serve as natural sunblocks, which help to keep the skin safe.
When this antioxidant is ingested, it is absorbed into the skin and helps to shield your skin cells from the light. This may aid in the prevention of sunburn, wrinkles, cell death, and dry skin. Intriguingly, high levels of beta carotene will give the skin a warm, orange hue, leading to a more youthful look. Sweet potatoes are high in beta carotene, a natural sunblock that can shield the skin from damage caused by the sun.
6. Red or yellow bell peppers
Bell peppers, including sweet potatoes, are high in beta carotene, which the body transforms into vitamin A. One cup (149 grams) of diced red bell pepper provides 156 percent of the daily value for vitamin A.
They're also high in vitamin C, making them one of the better sources. This vitamin is required for the production of collagen, a protein that keeps skin firm and solid. A single cup of bell pepper (149 grams) contains 211 percent of the daily value for vitamin C.
Women who ate lots of vitamin C had a lower chance of wrinkled and dry skin as they got older, according to a major observational report. Bell peppers are high in beta carotene and vitamin C, which are both powerful antioxidants for the skin. Vitamin C is also required for the production of collagen, a structural protein that serves to maintain your skin firm.
7. Broccoli
Broccoli contains numerous vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to skin health, such as zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Lutein, a carotenoid similar to beta carotene, is also present. Lutein protects the skin from oxidative distress which can lead it to wrinkle and dry skin.
Broccoli florets, on the other hand, contain a unique compound called sulforaphane, which has a long list of possible health benefits. It can also have anti-cancer properties, such as in the case of some cases of skin cancer. Sulforaphane is also a potent antioxidant that protects against sun damage. It acts in two ways: it neutralizes toxic free radicals and activates the body's other defense mechanisms.
Sulforaphane decreased the number of skin cells destroyed by UV light by as much as 29 percent in laboratory experiments, with defense lasting up to 48 hours. Sulforaphane can also help preserve collagen levels in your skin, according to research.
Broccoli is high in vitamins, calcium, and carotenoids, both of which are beneficial to skin health. It also includes sulforaphane, which can shield the skin from sunburn and aid reduce skin cancer.
8. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain all of the main carotenoids, like lycopene, and are a good source of vitamin C. The antioxidants beta carotene, lutein, and lycopene were shown to shield your skin from sun damage. They can also aid in the prevention of wrinkles.
Tomatoes are an ideal food for preserving good skin since they are high in carotenoids. Consider combining carotenoid-rich foods such as tomatoes with a fat origin like cheese and olive oil. Carotenoids are more absorbed when you eat fat. Tomatoes are high in vitamin C as well as all of the main carotenoids, particularly lycopene. These carotenoids can help avoid wrinkles and shield the skin from sun damage.
9. Soy
Isoflavones, a group of plant products that can either imitate or inhibit estrogen in the body, are found in soy. Isoflavones can support your skin as well as other parts of your body.
In one small trial, eating soy isoflavones every day for 8–12 weeks decreased fine wrinkles and increased skin flexibility in middle-aged people. Soy can also help keep the skin soft and strong in postmenopausal women by reducing skin dryness and increasing collagen levels. These isoflavones not only shield your body's cells from injury but also your skin against UV radiation, potentially lowering your risk of developing cancer.
10. Dark chocolate
Here's yet another excuse to indulge in chocolate: The results of cocoa on the skin are incredible. Participants in one study reported thicker, more hydrated skin after 6–12 weeks of daily consumption of an antioxidant-rich cocoa powder. Their skin was much less gritty and scaly, less sunburn-prone, and had more blood supply, which means more nutrients were delivered to their skin.
According to another report, consuming 20 grams of high-antioxidant dark chocolate per day could cause your skin to withstand about twice as much UV radiation until burned as eating low-antioxidant chocolate. Several other tests have found similar findings, including a reduction in wrinkle appearance. Bear in mind, though, that at least one review found no major consequences.
To reap the advantages and keep added sugar to a minimum, select dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cocoa.
Antioxidants in cocoa can help to protect your skin from sunburn. Wrinkles, hydration, blood flow, skin thickness, and skin texture can all benefit from these antioxidants.
Eat and Enjoy!
The kettlebell does not seem to be anything special, but trust me when I say it's your ticket to better health. These cannonball-shaped loads build control, fitness, core strength, and power asynchronously for the heavyweight outcome, stocking the same smash as dumbbells and well with the heart rate-spiking advantages of HIIT.
The kettlebell is still underappreciated and underutilized by the majority of gym-goers, so don't be fooled. 'The muscle can not see what you're carrying in your hands. The kettlebell is an excellent piece of equipment for the home fitness warrior because it is portable, versatile, and functional.
Are you ready to add this weapon to your arsenal? We go into the advantages of kettlebell training, the best kettlebell movements, and drills for burning fat, building strength and increasing health. Let's get started.
Benefits of kettlebell workout
Kettlebell fitness and exercises have become more popular as a result of the growing success of sports like CrossFit and Strongman, but the concept is not new. Circus strongmen utilized kettlebell weights — originally designed for measuring vegetables, to modify their physiques in the 19th century, which contributed to an increase in kettlebell fitness. What they will do for you is as follows:
Workouts using kettlebells will: Simplify the training
Kettlebells are one of the simplest weights to pass around during a workout due to their layout, and they can be conveniently stacked anywhere from your car trunk to your backyard shed or workshop. "To successfully prepare for strength, develop muscle, and fitness, you don't need much more than a kettlebell in accordance with your body mass," They can also be tailored to your strength and endurance levels. Kettlebells come in a variety of weights and heights, ranging from 4 kilograms to 68 kilograms, according to fitness brands including Rogue and Bulldog.
Workouts with kettlebells may be used to replace cardio.
Kettlebell routines usually have a high rep set, which means several muscles are exercised at the same time. They will have comparable aerobic benefits to HIIT training if done at a steady rate. Participants in a 2010 study who did a 20-minute kettlebell snatch exercise burned 13.6 calories per minute, which is equal to "running a 6-minute mile average." According to the NSCA's TSAC Study, doing kettlebell circuits three days a week would increase the VO2 max by 6% in less than a month.
Kettlebell workouts will help you strengthen your posterior chain.
Workouts like kettlebell swings can aid you to raise your heart rate and lose fat, but they only shine when it comes to creating power in the posterior chain – the muscles on the posterior of the body. Furthermore, because of their form and scale, they can function the muscles better than barbells and dumbbells. The easiest way to grow the posterior chain is to swing kettlebells. You'll burn calories this way and these are the body's largest muscles.
Kettlebell workouts will help you improve your mobility.
If you're having trouble with the dumbbell back squat, for example, using the kettlebell goblet squat is a great way to practice proper technique when doing a safer workout that can be improved as your strength improves. "Kettlebells allow you to walk athletically with added pressure from a range of angles and more difficult positions.
Workouts using kettlebells will increase the range of motion.
Most kettlebell exercises enable you to switch through various planes of motion, ranging from spins, presses and holds to more dynamic motions that are more difficult to do using a dumbbell or barbell. 'You have the ability to step around wider ranges because you don't have a barbell to put a lot of weight into,' Morgan says. Kettlebell exercise, according to the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, leads to a healthy lower back due to the loading and activity habits.
Workouts using kettlebells can correct muscle imbalances.
Many kettlebell movements are solo, which means you only use one arm or leg at a time. "Rather than depending on the stronger side to get through a push, this allows you to train all sides equally. It will help you overcome your shortcomings and improve your overall strength. Training one limb at a time has a positive impact on your balance. To control the acceleration, you must first stabilize yourself. For eg, pressing with one arm upward forces you to balance your trunk.
Kettlebells workouts at home
Before you begin, you must first determine your objectives so that you can function within the required rep spectrum.
- Muscle endurance can be improved by using a smaller kettlebell for a few sets of higher reps (15+).
- More hypertrophy and coordination can be achieved by using a heavier kettlebell with several sets of a few reps (5-8).
Choose a kettlebell that is strong enough that you are nearing muscle exhaustion by the end of the set in both scenarios. A lower-body motion, an upper-body motion, and a core/grip exercise will be used with each exercise. These exercises will put the flexibility flexors to the test as you've never seen them before.
Kettlebell Deadlift
Bilateral moves, which require the use of both hands, push you to lift big loads and recruit different muscle groups at the same time. You're working your glutes, back, and center in this case.
How to do a kettlebell deadlift:
Place a kettlebell among your arches and pose with your feet hip-distance apart. Be sure your elbows are above your waist and your hips are well above your knees as you hold the kettlebell knob in both hands. This is the starting spot for your deadlift. Push your head back and down while bracing your spine and holding your back flat. Squeeze the glutes as you raise the kettlebell to stand, firmly digging your heels into the dirt. Return the kettlebell to the floor with a straight spine, keeping your chest from falling past your hips.
One-Hand Kettlebell Deadlift
When you go from a bilateral to unilateral move, you're bringing an anti-rotation aspect. As a result of the mass being shifted on one side, the heart is recruited to keep your weight from spinning. This is also beneficial for increasing stability and preventing injuries.
How to do a one-hand kettlebell deadlift:
Place a kettlebell across your arches and pose with your feet hip-distance apart. In one hand, hold the kettlebell shaft, keeping your elbows above your waist and your hips above your knees. Create a fist with your other arm, which should be extended to the side or in front of you. Push your head back and down while bracing your spine and holding your back flat. Squeeze the glutes as you raise the kettlebell to stand, firmly digging your heels into the dirt. Return the kettlebell to the floor with a straight spine, keeping the chest from falling below your hips. Until swapping hands, full six reps with each hand.
Kettlebell Goblet Clean
This kettlebell exercise requires the kettlebell to pass in a single straight line, similar to a zipper. Your shoulders and back should be raised, not crouched over, and the elbows should be pointed directly down at your sides at the end of the movement
How to do a kettlebell goblet clean:
Position a kettlebell across your arches and pose with your feet shoulder-distance separated. Be sure your elbows are above your waist and your hips are well above your knees as you grasp the kettlebell handle with both hands. Zip the kettlebell upward in a straight line to your chin, gripping the kettlebell at its roots, while bracing your heart and maintaining your back flat. By digging your heels into the dirt, you will aggressively lift your knees. Return the kettlebell to the floor with a straight spine, keeping the chest from falling below your hips.
Kettlebell Goblet Squat
This kettlebell workout targets your quads and glutes while still stimulating your heart to keep your chest elevated. In a squat, the kettlebell goblet squat is a smart way to make sure you're still engaging the heart.
How to do a kettlebell goblet squat:
Keep a kettlebell in each of these hands at the points to your chest when standing with your feet shoulder-distance separated. Your knees are bent and pointed downward. Sit down onto your heels and roll your ass back and down, squeezing your glutes and heart. Make sure the feet aren't floating off the ground and are securely planted. Knees and ankles do therefore not cave inward. Hold your back straight and chest lifted when looking ahead, not up or down. To return to the starting spot, push off your feet.
Kettlebell Goblet Lunge
The goblet lunge, like the goblet squat, strengthens the legs and glutes while still putting your posture and endurance to the test. Throughout the movement, you should keep your abs close and your hips square. Injuries may occur if the knees flare out on the sides.
How to do a kettlebell goblet lunge:
Keep a kettlebell in both hands at the points to your chest when standing with your feet shoulder-distance away. The elbows are pointed to the floor. Take a huge move back with your right leg and touch your right knee to the deck, making two 90-degree angles as your front and back thighs, working your legs and glutes. To get back up and keep your feet, push off over your front foot. Alternate legs or do six reps on - leg before flipping.
Kettlebell Dead Clean
Proper set-up is important when doing a dead clean. To avoid lifting with your back, please ensure the bell is placed between your feet but behind your toes, according to Peels.
Begin with your hips over your knees and shoulders over your hips in a deadlift stance. This allows you to get the most strength out of your hips and glutes. Many people believe they can raise the bell up from this spot, but you should drive with your legs off the floor. The bell should ring loudly and next to your body. Imagine a pillar in front of you where you can't make the bell hit.
How to do a kettlebell dead clean:
Place a kettlebell among your arches and stand to your feet hip-distance away with your toes partially turning out. In one hand, hold the kettlebell comfortably and ensure that your elbows are above your hips and your calves are above your knees. Stretch the other arm out in front of you or to the left. Stand up and clip the kettlebell up to your hip until pulling your elbow down and slamming the kettlebell into a rack stance with your knees. Hold the kettlebell tight to your body to avoid it from slamming against your wrist. Until flipping sides, complete six reps on each hand.
Kettlebell Offset Squat
Please ensure your wrist is smooth and your knuckles are pointing up after you wipe the kettlebell to your side in a rack spot. Consider using the thumbs to hook the kettlebell. The handle of the kettlebell should lie diagonally over your palms and wrist.
How to do a kettlebell offset squat:
A kettlebell offset squat is performed as follows: With one hand from the dead clean, stand with your feet shoulder off and a kettlebell in a rack spot. Create a fist on the left arm, which should be extended in front of you or to the right. Sit down onto your heels and roll your hip back and down, contracting your glutes and core. Make sure the feet aren't floating off the floor and are securely planted. Knees and ankles do therefore not cave inward. Hold your back straight and chest raised when looking ahead, not up or down. To return to the starting spot, push off your feet. Until moving weapons, complete six reps.
Good luck, you got this!
It’s no secret that antioxidants are incredibly beneficial to good health. It’s believed the antioxidants in food can help prevent cancer, reverse or slow aging, enhance your immune system, increase your energy and improve heart and other organ health.
Given all we know about antioxidants and their beneficial properties, it’s amazing more people don’t get enough fruits and vegetables, the primary sources of antioxidants. Experts recommend a minimum of 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily, but say getting 7-10 servings is best.
There are 10 steps to getting more antioxidants into your diet.
Breakfast doesn’t have to be a hurried toaster tart on the way out the door. Throw some strawberries, 100% juice and yogurt into a blender; pour your delicious mixture into a cup and head out the door. You’ve just added one to three servings of fruits to your daily intake. Or throw some berries onto your cold or hot cereal.
Say you truly have no time in the morning and usually grab something on the run. Even the Golden Arches can be of some help here. Order a fruit and yogurt parfait and some apple slices. For about £2, you have a breakfast providing one to two servings of fruit.
Here’s an easy way to get more antioxidants in your diet. How about a handful of raisins for a snack, or some fresh red grapes? Dip some strawberries in yogurt. You’ll feel decadent, but the berries provide the color you’re looking for. Need crunch? How about some baby carrots dipped in hummus? Consider a handful of pecans for crunch and a nice antioxidant boost.
3.Lunch and dinner
It might sound trite, but adding a salad to each of your main daily meals can add loads to your overall health and well-being. They don’t have to be boring, and they don’t have to be just salad greens. If you’re going classic, add some red pepper slices to your green salad, some tomatoes to the Greek salad, or tart cranberries to your field greens. Whip up a broccoli salad for lunch, or be adventurous and mix up a rice salad with a mélange of fresh vegetables like string beans, tomatoes, peppers and red onions.
Berries, with or without whipped cream or chocolate are a wonderful way to end your day of healthy, antioxidant-rich eating.
Replace your soda with tea or coffee, both of which boast antioxidant compounds. Have a glass of wine with dinner, or for a real change of pace, pour a glass of chai tea.
6.Think outside the box
We know we can get our antioxidant fix from berries, salads and the like, but researchers say powerful antioxidants can also be found in a variety of unexpected foods, like russet potatoes, artichokes, and small red beans. The beans, in fact, may have more antioxidant power than blueberries, experts say. So to your rice salad full of vegetables, add some beans for even more antioxidants.
7.Cook lightly
You think you’re being good, preparing vegetables each night for your family’s dinner. But if you’re overcooking the vegetables, you’re cooking out a lot of the beneficial properties of the antioxidants. Steam (don’t boil) vegetables, and stop cooking them when they will have all of their bright color and most of their bite.
8.Plant a garden
Experts believe that people who plant and harvest vegetables from their own yards are far more likely to eat more vegetables and fruits than people who buy their produce from the store. So plant a garden, watch it grow and eat the fruits (literally) of your labor.
9.Take your healthy diet on vacation
Too many of us consider going on vacation an opportunity to take a vacation from everything, including healthy eating. Think of vacation as a way to be introduced to new foods. Order an interesting vegetable dish in a restaurant and then pay attention to how the chef prepared the dish.
10.Learn to cook
If you’re cooking, you’re not opening bags and boxes. Cooking involves scrubbing and peeling vegetables, preparing whole foods and paying attention to how things are cooked. If you’re ordering out every night, you’re far less likely to be eating the whole foods and natural fruits and vegetables that provide the base for our antioxidant intake.